Has anyone heard this about pedialyte??

edited April 2011 in Health
My crazy sister in law said her doctor told her to NOT refridgerate it bc it makes it lose the electrolites but on the bottle it says refridgerate after opening?? anyone else heard this or no if shes right? I always refrigerate it so I just want.to know if im doing.something wrong!!


  • Lol @twin_angels I agree and ive tried to tell het this n to.ask again but she is one of those think they no everything woman n Its so frusterating I would think if its not refrigerated it could grow bad.bacteria I had to do a food bourne illness class for a job when I was young and im pretty sure thats a possibility that and grow mold and im sure it says refrigerate for a reason but thanks I feel way.better about my decision lol
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  • I know from experience that certain things that say to refrigerate after opening will not go bad, as long as they are NEVER refrigerated. Mayonnaise is one, but I am not sure about pedialyte...
  • Hmmm... never heard this. I always put it in the fridge. I say to do what yhe package tells u to do. :)
  • I don't think that makes sense because if that was the case then you couldn't refrigerate Powerade and Gatorade?? :/
  • @bke913 thats exactly what I.said too! I def agree and @mommyof3girls I do tje exact same thing!! And im pretty sure when my son was in the hospital they made sure i refrigerated it ugh my sister in law can b such a hard head lol
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