24 hour sickness

edited February 2011 in September 2011
Is anyone else sick morning, noon and night? I'm not vomiting but I am nauseous all day and even wake up in the night with it. I can't lift my head some days. Like the worst hangover ever. Any good remedies? I'm only just started week 7 today. Bleurgh!


  • First ask your doctor, or atleast inform them. Just to rule out any problems. They may also have some better tips.

    With my first for the entire first trimester and most of the second I was constantly sick. Full out head in the toilet living in the bathroom sick. Then one day I was fine.

    With this baby I wasn't as sick but like you I constantly feel nausea and I have heart burn without relent. Unfortunately this has not changed for my entire pregnancy.

    I find tums, gingerale, and eating small light meals all day makes it tolerable. Also have a few crackers before bed to help you sleep, atleast for a few hours. Also avoid foods with alot of citrus for a few hours before bed. If you find you need to eat an orange have it with something else that will help neutralize the acid
  • Ginger ale and believe it or not but Coke, caffine free, w/e you want. Both did wonders for my sickness. I also munched on ginger cookies & saltine crackers.
  • Thanks so much both of you, will give all of those a try :o) I'm thinking if men had morning sickness, a cure would have been found long ago!
  • I feel sick 24/7 also.....last nite was the first nite I atually puked...but omg I know wat u mean....it is absolutely horrible....becuz it makes u jus lay in bed all day...its even worse if u hafta work
  • Peppermint tea and Apple sauce works really great
  • Agree with michelya also lemon drops helped me. Hope you feel better I know its tough I was sick through half my sencond tri and then it just stopped as well.
  • From 6th week to my 15th week I was either very nauseous or puking. It was a non stop thing. I even got motion sickness . My doctor prescribed me nausea medicine and, told me not to get up to fast and, try to keep the house at a temperature that I felt comfortable in. Its also good if you can get the food down even if yu do end up throwing it back up.
  • @ jassyjojo

    If caring a child to term was up to men the human race would of died out years ago. They couldn't handle it.
  • Agreed! Men Definatly couldn't do it. I am sick all the time too. My charge nurse said you can ask your doctor for zofran to help with the nausea . She's 16 wks with her third kid so I ask her all my questions :)
  • Glad I'm not alone either :)
  • I havnt got to the dr yet and feel like sometimes if I just through up I might feel better lol
  • I keep preaching about it in every thread about nausea, because it really has helped me. The dry diet.

    Basically, dont mix dry food with fluids. Don't drink for 15 to 20 minutes after you eat, and the other way around. There are more specific guidelines if the basic rule doesn't help. Like avoiding greasy, fried, or really spicy foods.

    Google it, it has done wonders for me. I can go about my day with just a very tolerable amount of nausea.
  • @sept2011mommy ur def not alone lol
  • When will it stop? I wake up feeling nauseous, spend the entire day like that, and then through the evening. It's hard, especially when I work 55 hrs a week and have not told my co-workers. It's tough to hide. I throw up more than I eat....I can't wait for it to stop. I hope it does soon!
  • You are not alone. I'm miserable 24-7. It's rare that I feel even okay. My first pregnancy was no where near this bad. Sprite helps me a lot and keeping a fan blowing on me.
  • In the beginning I felt as if I had the stomach flu times ten but, biscuits were the only thing I could keep down.
  • First, if you think you might throw up, DO NOT hold it down. Just throw up. You will feel better, at least for a little while. That's what I do, I don't try to hold it, unless I have to. Ginger candies help, but don't taste very good. Peppermint (I like candy canes) help, not as much as the ginger candies, but taste much better!
  • With my first one popsicles helped wonders this one I was throwing up everything I ate or drank just.hot put the er a few hour ago for it and was prescribed zofran I have to day I finally kept something down and almost two weeks
  • Does zofran work? I'm finding breakfast to be extremely difficult. Before becoming pregnant, I did not eat breakfast. Now, I do not have the appetite or stomach to eat in the morning. I know that breakfast is very important, but it seems near impossible!
    Gooduck ladies! Together we will stomach this!
  • Yay! I have found something that helps slightly ... ginger root capsules. Holland & barrett sell them. I pour the contents of the capsule into hot water and drink it. Only allowed 2 capsules a day according to the bottle though and I could do with a few more! It's still horrendous but at least I can get out of bed. good luck everyone :o) xx
  • I justbought seabands. They are like five bucks at target and walmart the pharmacists keeps them behind the counter but noprescription needed. They seem to help a lot. And my doctor also said take 100mg of vitamin b6. Its already in prenatal pills but onlylike 4g she said it'll help alot :-S
  • Yes zofran is a miracle pill it dissolves on your tongue and doesnt taste bad at all
  • Zofran works great and so does Phenergan.....but phenergan puts you to sleep so it's good to take at night especially if you're having trouble sleeping!!
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