just survived my first dnc...

edited April 2011 in Health
So what's next?


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  • I'm sorry that must be so hard! I'm not sure do you want to try to concieve right away? If u do i think they say waiting for 2 cycles. ((hug))
  • @babywaller I did too :/ I had one last Monday and they told me to wait 3 months till we start trying again.
  • I'm not waiting the full 3 months though! I'm thinking after the first cycle is good enough. I have friends that started trying right after and got preggo quick. Their babies turned out just fine.
  • @Mama_Kat thanks!
    @Jamie77 we will my husband is already talking about different doctors next time. Thanks!!
    @lil_bit17 did u have any pain after? My husband is upset at the whole no sex for a week thing lol
  • Rest, heal, & get emotionally on track, sweetie. I had two miscarriages, & they hurt like hell. The first was at 8 weeks & ended with a DNC, the second was at 5 weeks, & ended naturally. I was told to wait a minimum of 3 months or 3 period cycles, whichever came first, before TTC again. Stay strong, hun. You're not alone, & I'm now 27 weeks pregnant, after having lost two in a row. Don't lose hope!
  • @babywaller no pain at all! I bled and cramped the night of the surgery and had brown discharge the rest of the week, but I started bleeding slightly again last night. You are so lucky they only made u wait a week for sex haha!! They put me on pelvic rest for 2 weeks! I'm so ready to start trying again! I'm not gonna let this loss get me down >:D<
  • @artistmamma thanks! It makes me feel better to see that people don't have trouble getting pregnant again after. My baby stopped growing at 7w5d
  • @lil_bit17 let me know how everything goes. Maybe we can b belly buddies next time lol
  • You are very welcome, @babywaller. With my first, I began spot bleeding very lightly at week 6, so at week 7, they did an internal ultrasound. A heartbeat was detected at that time, but I continued to spot bleed. So at week 8, they brought me back in for blood-work & then sent me straight to ultrasound. My HCG levels had dropped from week 7, and the ultrasound showed no heartbeat, so a DNC was scheduled. When you get pregnant again, make sure your OB monitors your progesterone levels right away! Mine were low with this pregnancy and if they hadn't been caught in time, I may have lost it, as well. I'll be sending lots of positive baby vibes your way! :D
  • Yes!! Most definitely :X
  • @artistmamma I will, thank u for that! I'm switching docs next time. These docs just shrugged it off when I started spotting n said don't worry if no cramps. Just kinda makes me wonder if they had cared if things wouldn't have been different.
  • I switched doctors today as a matter of fact. They just weren't attentive to me at all. The baby measured small from the very beginning but they said everything was OK. Well that was a lie! I heard the heartbeat at 8 weeks, went in for a 12 week appt and no heartbeat. I lost it at 9+5. Its so scary to think that I carried it for over three weeks not alive. I didn't have any symptoms of having a miscarriage whatsoever.
  • @lil_bit17 I didn't either n mine was dead for 2 weeks! The docs n our hometown r quacks! They r calling mine a missed miscarriage. I went for an ultrasound at 8w5d n baby measured 7w5d n they thought maybe I was a week later than they thought. So they made another ultrasound appt for this past monday n it still measured the same. But I had a lil spotting that started Wed nite n they said o well no cramping don't worry...grrrr
  • @babywaller so sorry for your loss. If switching docs will make you feel better then you should definitely do it. Unfortunately this early in pregnancy there is not much they can do. Nature takes its course regardless. I know how much that sucks - I had a dnc with my first pregnancy at 12 weeks - baby stopped growing at 8. I had no symptoms either. It totally turned my world upside down. They don't think much of spotting w/ no cramps because its normal for some women to spot. I know women who spotted their whole pregnancy. I also know women who had their actual periods during first trimester.
    Good luck with your healing and ttc when your ready. Only you will know when your ready. Thoughts & prayers are with you.
  • @babywaller yeah they tried telling me all kinds of crap like I ovulated late or my lmp was off. Neither were off because I was tracking them to the tee. I just knew something was wrong because in early pregnancy measurements are very accurate. Its possible for it to be off by one or two days, but not weeks. Doctors frustrate me!
  • Aww I'm so sorry hon.. I had a mc last June and then had a reg cycle in July and we conceived in august.. right after a mc is the best time to get preggo because you are so fertile so I say screw what they said about 3mos too.. best of luck!!
  • @HopefulMom2Be
    thank u! N I understand. It just kinda bothers me cuz the baby stopped growing the day they did the pelvic exam. I know it prob had nothing to do w/it but these docs have a really bad record so It will make ne feel better driving 50 extra miles to diff docs next time. I had only been off bc when I got prego this time...next time ill b more prepared
  • @BabyGeesmama2
    lol thanks! I'm thinking the same thing.
    .this would have been the first baby on my side of the family in 11 years n they were all so excited they had already bought the baby bed...so hopefully n a couple of months ill b back on track
  • @lil_bit
    Where r u from?
  • @babywaller East Texas. Was this your first pregnancy?
  • @lil_bit yea it was...that's the sad part n we had just decided to start trying when I got pregnant. Was it yours? Next time we will both have our babies : )
  • It was my first too :) I was so ready for it! I'm 26 and my husband is 30. I feel like my tine is ticking away LOL. I want to be done with having kids by 30 if possible.
  • @babywaller I got pregnant quick too. I was on the pill for 7 years and we got preggo in 2 months. Hopefully it happens quick this time too. I heard you are really fertile after a d&c! That's why I'm only wanting to wait till after 1 cycle. I figure my body won't let me get pregnant if it isn't ready so why not just go for it!
  • @lil_bit17 exactly!! Lol I'm there w/u. I'm 27 n we will n married 3 yrs n July. So we r ready! I wish nothing but the best of luck! We got this next go round!! I'm on facebook if u want to look me up Veronica Waller
  • Buh when they did the other ultrasound they saw a heartbeat?
  • No, no hearbeat
  • @soon2bmommiof2 they said they wouldn't see it til week 8
  • Ill look you up when I get to work! I'm under Lori Williams. Yay soon to be preggo buddies
  • What does ur profile pic look like? There are tons of Veronica wallers LOL.
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