Im 62 days late, still no baby...whats going

edited April 2011 in Getting pregnant
I'm one of those women whos irregular. Now that I'm trying its really hard. When should I test again?


  • edited April 2011
    You should test like NOW. In fact you should have tested a while ago. I hope get that BFP!
  • I tested on Sunday and it said -NO
  • You should do a blood test. Some women HCG are low and sometimes need to do a blood test
  • Have u seen ur Dr bout it yet? If I was u is go in and have them do some tests...I watch too much "I didn't know I was pregnant"
  • thanks I think I will.
  • Z mommy I watch it too lol
  • Ive missed my period up to three months before n I wasnt pregnant.
  • My period stopped all together once. I didn't get it for 3 months. I knew I wasn't pregnant. I had to get these pills from my doc to jump start my period. They couldn't give me a clear reason why it happened.
  • I was the same way. I haven't had my period since early June, I didn't conceive until October 14th. I didn't have a clue, I took a test november 17th and it was a surpise but not really. Good luck and baby dust:3.
  • Lmao I thought you meant 62 days past your due date for some strange reason. Lol. Sending the best wishes your way!!! :D
  • Same thing happened to me. My period stopped in October, and I apparently conceived in Jan! I was always very regular before this...didnt really make sense to me!
  • I didn't have a period for 4 months a few years ago and I wasn't pregnant. See your Dr maybe they can do some tests, a lot of girls who miss periods for long periods of time have pcos (Polycystic ovary syndrome) i'm not trying to freak you out and say that's waht you have but it's best to go to the dr just to be sure. When that happened to me they just gave me some prigesterone pills I can't remember the name of them and then my period started again. But I know how you feel, it sucks not knowing why you don't have a period. Good luck girly:)
  • I was in the same boat... I just finally had a period on march 24th but I hadn't had one since november. I was just diagnosed last week though with pcos. I would definately see a doctor, at least now I know why I hadn't had one in so long and can start treatment to go back to normal.
  • @Angels_Mami I thought the same thing!! I was totally freaked out for a second!

    But I agree, going to the doctor would probably be a good idea. Good luck!
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