is this normal? please help! (tmi)

edited April 2011 in Health
So me and my bf had sex earlier today and when I went to go use the restroom I saw some blood on the toilet paper but there was none on my underwear. Is this normal or even okay? Sorry tmi. But I need help...I'm worrying.


  • I had the same thing happen! I told my doctor, and she is having me stop sex for a month to be safe! How far along are you?
  • Light bleeding after sex is normal. It happens to me when we go more than once a night. I asked my doc she said its normal
  • bleeding after sex if long as theres no cramping you should be fine. i bleed after sex sometimes too… but only a little
  • @sammiegee87 according to this app I'm 8w3d...I haven't been to a doctor yet to confirm because I'm 18 and haven't told my parents yet :/
    @sweetsurprise yeah we did it more than once..thanks (:
    @mommytobe1 yeah I only bled when I used the restroom and luckily I haven't had any cramping. Thank you (:
  • Well, goodluck! That only happened to me once and I've been fine since! Try and have slower, more gentle sex...sry if that's tmi lol.
  • Thank you! :) and that's good..this is the first time it's happened to me. I do try that but my bf gets caught in the moment...sorry if that's tmi too :P haha
  • @brittany713 Haha, I totally get what you mean! Have you told your parents yet?
  • Happened to mme also but its because your cervix are sensitive but just drink lots of water and rest for a day
  • @Sammiegee87 No I still haven't told them >_< I'm too scared mom is constantly reminding me not to get pregnant so I wanna hide it from her as long as possible. I still haven't been to a doctor appointment so I'm kinda scared for my child :/

    @Mommyy2be Thank you..I'm glad I'm not the only one haha
  • Hopefully, when you do tell her she will be supportive! They usually end up being happy with everything...once they get over the shock of it!
  • Yu need 2 go 2 the dr. Yu need prenatals nd a check up thats wats most important.
  • @Sammiegee87 yeah I really hope she's supportive cuz I don't know what I'll do if she's not :(

    @Donna_0310 well I've been taking prenatal vitamins but they're just ones you buy at the store
  • Ok but yur baby neds 2 b takin care. Prenatals is not jus it. Yu need bloodwork
  • @Donna_0310 oh really? I didn't know that...thanks for the info :) me and my boyfriend are planning to tell our parents at the end of this week so hopefully I'll go to the doctors soon
  • Good luck telling your parents I'm 19 I was afraid to tell my mom but she den fuss or nuthin I wad so relieved wen I told her I didn't keep it a secret soon as the month was over n no af I told her I may b pregnant n Yes I was Im 20wks n We are all Happi as ever I have the best supportive family n husband to be....
  • Really? That's awesome :) it's been over 2 months since my last period but when I tell them I really hope my family is supportive...cuz I'm scared they won't be :(
  • @brittany713 i was 19 when i got pregnant with my son..Needless to say i was terrified to tell my parents and yes they were "disappointed" but in time they were very understanding, accepting, and very supportive!! Good luck hun, im sure it'll all work out for u!
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