6 weeks today, however......

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
I started spotting last night when I wipe. It's only a small amount and pink, no cramps. I had a miscarriage in January but I'm staying positive this time! I'll call the doc as soon as my OB opens this morning. Has anyone heard of implantation bleeding this late?


  • I spotted early in pregnancy. And had cramps. My doctor said spotting is common. It can happen from intercourse because the cervix is irritated and can last 3 days after. She said also some women just spot! And not to worry unless it becomes quite heavy.
  • I'm 9wks and i have spotted off and on since 5wks. I had it with my first so I'm not really worried. Just tty to rest and chart when it happens sbd what happens so if you have to calk yr doc you can exact times that it happen and what happen.
  • @AliH yeah I have no cramps and its very little so I'm not gonna worry myself.

    @hnjen I haven't had my 1st appt. yet so Im gonna call and get in today to see the heartbeat to make me feel better. spotting is normal for some so I'm not thinking worse case scenario :) thanks for your help
  • @jcbowker

    I am 6 weeks tomorrow and also started spotting last night :-( I'm worried cuz I've had 2 miscarriages, but am going to the hospital today. Can they hear the heartbeat this early? I have had early u/s before now but I was further along and both times baby had already passed away.
    Best of luck to you, I'm sure its normal. I just over worry.
  • @mummydowding Yeah we should be able to hear or see a heartbeat on u/s. I'll keep you updated as soon as I get in to see the doc. Please do the same :-)
  • @jcbowker for me i know it normal so i don't really worry. But i have heard the heartbeat so i knw my baby is fine plus i still get all my pregnancy sypmtoms
  • @hnjen Great! I havent seen a heartbeat yet but I will today darn it! lol
  • @jcbowker Good luck and I send u's baby dust your way. 6wks might be a bit early to see the baby but you can at least see that peanut is where it needs to be and on track.
  • Am 4 weeks I have cramps n a lite bleeding is normal
  • I had spotting between 6-8 weeks. My cervix was irritated. Hopefully there will be able to are the heart. Was able to see and hear mine at 6w2d. Bit it all has to do with position. Good luck.
  • I am not spotting at all but have been having horrible pain in my abdomen. Just took a test this weekend and made an apt for this week, but I am so scared that is not a good sign.

  • I had implantation at 5 weeks 3 days. Either it was that or the sex we had two days prior to bleeding.
  • I had spotting at 6wks and 14 wks after sex, and got checked both times and everything was fine :).. did u have sex or lift something heavy?
  • I spotted with my first. Everything was fine. And I'm almost 7 weeks and I had a full period in February. But everything is ok so far. Hope your ok.
  • Doc didn't ask me to come in til tomorrow afternoon. I had sex about 2 or 3 days prior to the spotting. I was spotting on Tuesday night and 1st half of Wednesday, then nothing til this morning I had more than just spotting. And now spotting only when I wipe but on a good note I have no pain... so hopefully tomorrow at 230p I will see my babys heartbeat!!! Thanks for words of encouragement everyone!
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