pregnant and getting off of anxiety / depression meds.

edited January 2011 in Health
Is there anyone else that has gotten off of their anxiety and depression meds since becoming pregnant?


  • Will i did with my 1st kid when i was16 ,,at 1st it was hard put after a while i was ok n the wierdest thing was i didnt have to take them ever again after the baby...they said the baby calm my anxiety down n also i wasnt depressed any more who would i just had a beautiful princess ..
  • Oh my god, I quit taking Effexor, 150mg a day, cold turkey as SOON as I discovered I was pregnant. It was honestly the worst two weeks of my life. The withdrawal was a relentless nightmare that seemed to take forever to get through. I'm so glad I did it now, & I hope to never experience something like that again. I'm 19 weeks pregnant & getting by with no medication for depression. Best of luck to anyone going through it!
  • If you suffer from severe anxiety or depression, stopping your meds and letting your disease go uncontrolled can be worse on YOU and the baby. We've been trying 4 yrs to conceive and being preg is all I ever wanted, but that didn't change the chemical make-up of my brain (actually its a little worse cause these retarded hormones). ALL drugs have a category in preg for a reason....sometimes the benefit to the mother GREATLY out weighs any POSSIBLE risk. Many drugs have only been studied in animals, and I happen to disagree with being compared to a lab rat or rabbit. You need to speak with your OB and psychiatrist about what's best for you. Every person and pregnancy are different and when it comes to your mental well being, a forum isn't the best place for answers. And as far as being depressed after giving depression is a REAL illness and comments blaming someone who can't control it are why instead of seeking help, these women are hurting themselves or their babies. FYI- I'm a certified paramedic and currently pursuing my MA in Psychology
  • I know several women who have either changed Rx's or began taking anti-depressants while pregnant. Of course, it should go without saying that any type of medical decision needs to be monitored by a qualified physician, especially during pregnancy. No one should ever simply read something online or in books/magazines & base their decision off of it. Always consult your doctor. My depression was never debilitating or severe; just enough to periodically make me miserable. I was on meds to help get me through a rough spot in my life & I don't regret that, even though the withdrawal was a nightmare. Always talk with your doctors & NEVER feel ashamed to reach out for help when you need it.
  • I was on celexa and had bn on them for like 5 years quit cold and I've bn fine just lil things like my nieces growing up so fast makes me teary. I've bn clean lol for 9 wks now good luck and congrats
  • @ artistomamma...thanks for the support! Is your EDD around June 25th? We are on the same time-line. I've found @ 20wks, the withdrawl from lack of sleep is worse than anything else, LOL. Luckily I'm taking a lightened course load and most my classes are afternoon, so when I don't fall asleep until 1am CT, I'm able to sleep in a little!
  • You are very welcome, and yes, our EDD's are very close. Mine is July 2nd, & I'll be having an ultrasound on the 8th that should finally tell me the gender. Did you learn what yours is yet?
    I've seen depression rampage through my family & ruin people's lives, so I've always felt it was important to encourage others to reach for help without shame or any fear of stigma. I agree with what you said about post-partum, too. My sister was rocked by it, & through medication & therapy, she thrived & moved on to become the MOST amazing mother.
    I've always been so intrigued by Psychology & would love to one day study to pursue a career in the field. My own family lineage has a colorful (and sometimes frightening) history, that would probably make a most interesting case study.
    You have my admiration, going through college classes whilst pregnant. Most days, it's all I can do to wash dishes & cook dinner. I'm a high-risk pregnancy, and man, has it been rough!
  • edited February 2011
    I'm high risk too due to pancreantitis problems, although the only one who it seems to be affecting is me, lol. It sounds like we have more in common than just due dates, lol. I find out the 10th and it's driving me crazy! I'm sure you're counting down the days too! I hope to pursue a career in addiction research as a psychiatrist. School can be a pain in the ass (literally, lol) but cutting my course load in half has made it more bearable. We're moving to Germany next month and transfering over to university of Bamberg which is suppose to have an amazing psych program. I'm sure it'll be a fun move 7 months preggo!
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