edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm so excited; I'm 31 weeks tomorrow, only 9 weeks left until I'm at my 40 weeks! (But she's more than welcome to come early!! ;-) )
I went in to my doctor today, and asked about induction, (which I really, REALLY don't want to do.) and he totally eased my mind by saying that it's up to me whether they do it or not, unless its for medical reasons, and it can become a medical reason after 41 weeks. Plus I found out my lil muggle is already head down!!! (Maybe she's ready?! Or will be soon...?) And I'm measuring the right size, her heartbeat is strong and everything!! The only downside is I've been having sharp shooting pains in my vagina, and sides, which my Dr says that I have strained the muscles that support my uterus, so I'm on a reduced work schedule now (boo...)
BUT FOR THE MOST PART, I'm really happy everything went so well!!
Anyone else about the same length around me, or are feeling so great!?


  • Wow thts tons of good news!!!! Congratulations!!!! We got the same due date June 9th right?! I can't wait to meet my little man he can also come b4 40 weeks if he like maybe 6 more..lol
  • Thanks @ladiejai yes June 9th
    Id be okay with only six weeks more!!
    Congrats to you!! How's your pregnancy going??
  • Im also due June 9th with a boy. I can't wait!
  • Well the doc hasn't said anything bad so thts a plus baby is doin great!! It just seems like I'm so ready for him to come tht I'm makin myself sick...lol..I'm startin to feel all my 1st tri. Issure again like vomittin lazy hard to breath and so on heck I've been in bed all day
  • @Beautiful_Alter congrat!! So ur with us not much longer 2 go!!
  • Oh I hear Ya @ladiejai I'm so tired all the time now, and I get outta breath stupid easily. I've just finally stopped throwing up every day (around week 28), so I hope that doesn't come back for me
  • Wow thats a nice big relief. How exciting
  • I'm due June 9th too:) But I'm having a boy!!!! An I've also been having sharp pains so I'm hoping my doctor will reduce my work too... CONGRATS!!!
  • it really was, thanks @kritten_octoberbby :x

    @soon2bemomofdj yay for belly buddies, definitely talk to your dr about it, they sent me with a dr note, so my employers couldnt even dispute it. its awesome.
    ...although now i spend way too much time on pregly lol
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