REALLY bad hip/low back pains!

I have been getting horrific hip pains but it only happens in the evening after I come home from work and lay down for a bit. I hurts so bad like my hips are literally detaching from the rest of by body. Even if I sneeze it feels like my back is going to fall out of place or something. I know they say its normal for pregnant women to feel low back pain but I'm only 12 weeks! Does anybody this early in pregnancy feel the same thing?


  • 12 weeks? :( have u talked to your dr about it?
  • I'm Almost 12 wks & in having the same problems. I know your hips start to spread in the last month preparing for birth, but why now? It happens to me if ive been walking alot.
  • I'm 12 weeks n I am having the exact same problems. I'm in tears almost every night because of my hips. Idk why it hurts so bad but if its like this the whole time idk what I'm gonna do
  • Y'all could be suffering from sciatica .. I had it from 3weeks till I delivered
  • Doesn't sciatica pain go down your leg and start in your butt? @lacy809
  • @newmomma15 yes it does. I am a massage therapist, and see people with ite all the time. It goes from your butt cheek, down the back of your thigh. I am 13wks and have had some pain in my left side low back for a few weeks. i am guess its the way I am sleeping, but it brings me to tears some days. Hope you feel better ladies.
  • edited April 2011
    I like icy hot patches. I get the sciatica pain at work. Probably from bending awkwardly and grabbing kids. I asked the pharmacist to make sure, and she said it's good.

    There's also this ointment stuff, called Sombra. I got it from my chiropractor. My dad calls it Peter Pan Cream because it's magical. It's like a natural icy hot cream, but better. It gets all tingly and soothing. Oh I love it. I make my fiance rub it on my hips and lower back almost every night. And their website says it doesnt get into the blood stream so its safe to use during pregnancy. The active ingredient is just menthol.
  • Oh that's right.. my bad I forget things lol.. mine hurt my tailbone like crazy
  • @newmomma15 yeah if we feel like this now how are we going to feel when we have huge bellies?! My pain also goes down to my butt and back of my thighs. I dont know how it can be sciatia if our babies r still tiny
  • @excitedforoctober mine is just in my hips n I keep telling my husband I'm gunna prob end up on bedrest lol. I'm going to the doctor next Thursday n am going to ask him about it
  • @LovelyLaydee Nope, I forgot to mention it at my last appt but will for sure the next time I'm there bcuz it hurts so bad!
  • @ExcitedForOctober sciatica can happen very early on cause even though your baby is tiny your uterus is still expanding .. no lie it was my first pregnancy symptom it was killing me bad enough to go the the er but they didn't do a pregnancy test a week later I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant and read about sciatica
  • @Lacy809 Any remedies? Its just so weird to me that it only happens after work in the evenings and I have a desk job.
  • I went to the doctor and asked about why my legs were feeling bruised and burning ...he said its nerves that are not moving thru my legs making it start to hurt. As for hips feels like my right one is falling outta socket but hips will for a while making way for baby.
  • @ckazfirst yup thats exactly how it feels, like they are out of the sockets. How far along r u?
  • No remedies that I know of mine hurt worse to sit so luckily I'm a hairstylist and stood alot
  • Me too, I'm 14w and it happens when I twist my back or not use my arms to pull me up from sitting or sitting w my back at an angle. What happens is my lower back gets out of alignment and when I try to sleep my hips hurt too. It popped back in and the pain stopped, a week later its out again. Watch how your back is aligned when you sit and adjust to good posture to help. Good luck
  • @Little1Cashew thx for the advice hun!
  • @ExcitedForOctober I'm 11 weeks 4 days due October 31st the hips are normal hun. Not much you can do. Leg relief for me is a warm bath and goldbond lotion. It's hard but not much you can do. It will for sure go away after birth. He said we can sooth it but not heal it.
  • If on Facebook look me up hun. Easier to talk there if needed
  • @ckazfirst Thanks! :) mine is nancy16_87@yahoo
  • I have the same problem, I'm 15wks now, but I've had it almost the whole pregnancy and my doctor put me on disability bc I would be in tears at work and every night trying to go to sleep =/ and even at home I still get those pains....
  • @mommy_yaya the weird thing is I only get them in the evening after I come home from work.
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