3 trimester mom's sex Questions

3 trimester mommies wen did u stop having sex sorry if its to personal but I want to but I'm worried about early labour and other complications I'm 34 weeks


  • With my first, we had sex until the very end. We never stopped, doc said it was okay. I'm in my 2nd trimester with this pregnancy and don't plan to stop unless an issue arises.
  • @mamaC ok thanxs so much because are anniversary is coming soon and I just wanted to make sure we weren't going to hurt our son in the process
  • I'm 34 weeks as well I'm still going strong lol well when I want to my drive is low
  • Yes there's no problem unless the doc says otherwise
  • Why would you even stop, sex is like a 24hr readily available drug especially while your preggo! keep it goinnnn :p
  • I had sex in the hospital just he's befor I was induced...it was fun and the nurse brought my now ex a water lol
  • im 35w 1d and still having sex.lol
  • I am pregnant with my fourth and I had sex with the first three up to the day I had them. Unless you are high risk they tell you its fine so till doc tells u to stop keep going
  • With my first we stopped at 28 weeks bc of complications with the pregnancy. This time I hope to still be going at it til the day I give birth :) I am 31 weeks.
  • @abby5 lol to funny I need to do that
  • @abby5 deeeeyum how did you pull that off?? I wanna try sounds like funn. ;-)
  • Yea I just hope on our anniversary my sex drive isn't at 0 bc I really want a special nite b4 all of my sexy play outfits stop fitting
  • Ok im glad somebosy post this! I am nervous about preterm birth as well.. bc i just had sex w my bf, and i feel like really crampy n my back hurts. And im a worry wort n heard sex can rupture ur membranes n now im nervous.. im 31 wks. Does this happen to any of u after sex?? And also alot more discharge. Am i normal or is something wrong w me?
  • @nikkie o gosh ur scaring me
  • @nikkie that's normal!
  • Lol im sorry i dont mean to! I worry myself constantly, so it might just all be in my head i dont know.
  • @abby5 yea how'd you pull that off lol deff something id want to do
  • 39 weeks and 1 day plan on having more when we get home. I want this kid out lol. I cramp but I get to shower with my bd and get pampered afterward. So it is worth it.
  • Sorry for the tmi
  • im 34 weeks to n if I could be bothered id have sex, did upto due date w_th furst 2. just having some emotipnal issues
  • KrazymomofAdrian, get hubby to message ure shoulders particularly trapazoid muscle. then let us know if bub comes pretty please:) also push ur tounge against the roof of ur mouth at the back
  • Haha okae @bummy87 sorry to hear your having some emotional issues, hope you feel better. I will see if we can get her out. I have tried everything, but castor oil. I won't touch it, if it does start contractions, it could give major bowel issues, so I am staying away. Lol. But sex, walking, and etc. etc. She is just comfy where she is apparently even though I am not.
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