Cravings but no appetite...

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Ever since I concieved (even before I found out) I've completely lost my appitite. I have to force myself to eat. And, honestly, I'm not on the skinny side so this is really unusual for me. I will have crazy cravings and really want something but once I look at food or begin to cook something, I just don't want to eat. It makes me feel sick. Does this happen to anyone else?


  • Yes this happens to me every day. When did you start taking your prenatals? Because that has a lot to do with it. Some prenatal vitamins make you hungry some makes you sick and some make you loose your appetite. It's nothing to worry about just try a different kind of vitamins.
  • @sheronachin20 I started taking mine the day after I found a week a go. But I've felt like this since the middle of march. =( but I will try to switch vitamins, that sounds like a good idea.
  • Ask your doctor about flinstones gummy bears vitamins!! They help
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