one positive a day :)

edited April 2011 in Just for Fun
So with more drama on here let's have some fun. Pregnancy isn't always fun I spend most of my time in pain and very tired I always think if one good thing everyday to keep me going.
Todays is I have 10 weeks left till I meet my little girl.
What's others good things :)


  • That's a sweet idea. Mine is: I have somebody new and special to talk to, little Blueberry!
  • Mine is that I only have 4 weeks left til I get to meet my little man and my sister, her husband, and my beautiful niece are finally moving back from washington. :) they should be here tomorrow!
  • @blueberrysmom aww that's really sweet :)
    @Jojom that's brilliant its great to have family around at such a special time :)
  • I know. I'm so excited that they will be here for the birth of my baby boy. :) this is my first and shes really excited too. Shes going to be the only other one allowed in the labor and delivery besides my hubby.
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