7 wks still spotting?

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
Well I jus hit 7 weeks and I'm still spotting I went to the docs they say its normal... anyone else still spotting in the first trimester?


  • When did you see your doctor. Is it bright red or browse discharge
  • Have u asked them to ck your progresgron? Level it could b low. Also u might ask them to do an ultrasound bc u may b having late implation bleeding or a subchronic hemmorage which is what they found on me last wk, i was 7wks and 3d. Gl and stinky baby dust
  • I spotted the whole first trimester! As long as its not heavy n u have no cramping its normal.
  • im 8w3d and i jus stop spottin two days ago. i have a weak cervix so dats why i am spottin. i put myself on bedrest til i was able to see da doctor and he said i did da right thing. Sex also causes spottin too. as long as its not enough to fill a pad they are gonna say its normal. so fill up on ur pantyliners and relax mama to be :)
  • shyshy
    edited April 2011
    @tscott its brownish now and I just went to the doc 2 days ago

    @3girls_0boys my levelsare right where they shouldbe they said I'm like at 21000 something like that it was 6000 2 wks ago

    @teemommy2 I sure did get a big box of pads after my "sexy" panties got caught lol but thanx I just don't wana feel alone with it the thing is this is my 3rd but I have never spotted before nor have I found out this early so I'm all cautious

    Thanx ladies happy preggoness
  • Your progestrone level is different than your hcg level, most drs office don't test for it, unless u ask for it or have had an issue b4 w it
  • I had spotting at 5wks till 7wks. I'm 9wks now and i still get it sometimes, Super light. only when i wipe. I get some discomfort like cramping but i can't really tell if its cramping or gas pains or just discomfort from the baby and my body stretching.
  • @hnjen even if its still light make sure you tell your doctor
    @shy your okay that is old blood , you might seem it on times after sex. Soon it will stop. But remember bright red is never good.
  • @tscott sex???? I can't even think about it since I been preggo lol sad but true aaahhhhh!
  • I am eight weeks today and I did spot some last week. Most likely its implantation bleeding.
  • @shy why can't you think of sex. Your baby just got its toes. What is wrong is this your first baby. Did the doctor tell you no to sex
  • I actually had 2 periods
  • @tscott well after my appt my doc did say no sex for 3 wks and this is my 3rd child first time having these symptoms. Wheneve I personally tink about sex I get uncomfortable I'm scared I'm going to bleed more and is just not a satisfying thought anymore. Plus my sour stomach practically all day. I don't know what it is exactly
  • @mscheyla how did u manage to have 2 periods? Hat did they say the reason behind that was?
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