pain in my hip

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I keep getting this horrible constant pain in my left hip, that goes right around my back and the inside of my groin. I normally get leg cramps but this is more intense and doesn't ease hardly when I change position. My partner keeps sending me to lay down since it's the only relief I get. What could be causing it? I was told at my last appointment the baby was head down towards my left side? Could that be why? I'm 32 weeks and this is my second.


  • You will probably find that baby is pressing on your nerves I had the same with my son.but I does normally ease off when baby moves .
  • It's probably a nerve. I've experiened the same pain with all five of my pregnancies. People always told me to walk to "work out the pain. " Walking only made it worse. I've found if I lay on the opposite side from the pain with a pillow between my legs it helps. Maybe this will work for you. I hope so!
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