counting calories?

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm not but I'm interested to know if anyone is, and if its working out for you.
I gained about 20lbs post baby w my first. I already feel like I've gained at 6 weeks, but I know I'm eating much better this time around.


  • Counting calories ever, ESPECIALLY while pregnant, is a terrible habit to get into. If you look it up online, you'll noticed that Weight Watchers just realized this and 100% revamped their meal plans. Their points used to be based on calories alone, so basically a 100 calorie apple was weighted the same as a 100 calorie cookie. Now which do you think was better for you, and which impacted your weight more?

    As long as you eat healthy, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, protien. Steer away from processed starches/sugars, and fatty items, you can eat all the calories you want and you'll never be able to eat enough that will effect your weight negatively. Counting calories is such a thing of the past, 100 calories of vegies/fruit/lean meat is infinitely more productive than 100 calories of french fries, they cannot even be compared to eachother.
  • Ugh! I can't imagine doing it :x I do limit junk food like ice cream or donuts to one a day. For meals I try to keep it balanced like a protein dish, one carb dish and a side of veggies or fruit! With cravings though it is tough! Water also fills me up too.
  • I sorta count calories. But just to see how many I intake bc I work out and don't wanna burn too many calories. So I have to make sure I eat a lil more on the days I do cardio.
  • My boyfriend wants to have a competition with me so we both downloaded a calorie counting app, but you don't put in the number of calories, you put in what the food was and what your portion was. It is based off of colors so as long as I get more green and yellow colors for my daily food intake and stay away from red, I don't care how many calories I eat. It also counts how many glasses of water I drink a day, which I like to use.
  • Basically what I was wondering if anyone was watching what they ate bc I see a lot of ppl talking about junk food. I make a constant effort to eat veggies and / or fruit at every meal. I crave for proteins! I'm addicted to pb on English muffins for breakfast, then I have fruit an hour or so after that. Then for lunch I kinda eat whatever is easy ( spaghettios or tuna maybe frozen pizza ) but I always have veggies too, usually fresh. Dinner I'll eat a balanced meal too whatever I'm craving. I've been drinking crystal light bc I don't like water unless I crave for it. It doesn't have saccharin which I believe is a no no. I hope I'm doing good!! I'll occasionally give it to a snack craving, usually chips or cheese and crackers. And I'm faithfully taking my prenatals. When not prego I have terrible eating habits. I'm probably 20 lbs overweight ..which I've gained in the last 2 years grrr
  • @nimms
    Ohhh!! What's the app called?
    @jmichelle I think that is very responsible! Its so hard to be a mom and still want to look good.
  • @palomita it's so hard to eat right with the cravings and all your friends ans family encouraging you to eat up!
  • Its called calorific. Its pretty easy to use too. Based on the time you put that you normally wake up, it pops up and reminds you throughout the day to put in your b'fast, lunch, dinner, and snacks so you don't forget.
  • That's cool. I'm going to look it up. It almost guilts you into eating right. Does it take into consideration that you're pregnant?
  • No! That is the one thing I can't find on any app. I don't like that part, but I set my height, and weight and that I want to maintain my weight because I figure I have gained about 25 lbs and the baby is the one that is going to be doubling his weight soon. Plus I am going to gain it anyway if my body feels it needs it.
  • @katlily you are right. Whenever I feel guilty about something I'll ask my husband and he'll say, "Why not?" I have been trying to cut down on ordering out for food and cooking more home cooked meals. I think there is waaaay less calories and salt with home cooked meals... unless you make something like ramen :x
  • Sounds like your doing great. The idea is to stay away from processed foods, and empty calories. Fruits, vegies, whole grains, protien are great. We are preg and i personaly think its impossible not to eat the junk we crave from time to time!! I as well try to add somthing healthy to the not so healthy meal I might eat. Sounds like your doing well.
  • I also count calories only to make sure I get enough cuz I work out every day. I find it hard to get enough calories when I burn about 500-800 a day..
  • @nimms
    I found that app. Its kind of confusing! But I like it none the less! Its funny that something I think is good for me like eggs, is in the red zone! Gahh! I'll still eat em though cuz I know my baby needs it!!
  • @katlilly It was for me too and I didn't want to do it, but I figured it out. I think the eggs are there because they have the yolk, but remember it doesn't consider pregnancy. I went to a my birthing class last night and they said I should be getting 2300 - 2500 cal a day and on the app it says 1800 or something. Like I said tho, I just use it to count my water intake and the green and yellow intake. You know what you need to eat though so I don't put too much consideration into this calorie thing. Lol
  • Yeah on the app it said I needed 2250 to maintain weight, but I'm much bigger than you are ;) I like tracking bc then if I think I want a giant piece of cake after a Burger fries and appetizers I'll think again!! Just want to be healthy for my babies
  • Im bad it, I don't always put everything. Like I ate a whole bag of doritos and didn't realize I ate so many until I was done ;;) I thought about it and was like, this can be a little secret no one has to know about.
  • edited February 2011
    Haha sooo funny!!! Sometimes you just gotta give in!! I love Doritos! My family was over last week and my aunt said she used to devour Doritos and clam dip while prego. Everyone was like ewww!! Gross!! ...and I was like..hmmm...that sounds pretty good! Haha
  • Hana that's funny. Of course the pregnant one is always the odd woman out when it comes to food cravings.
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