6 weeks preg..bad cramping..went to ER

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
So I went to the ER this morning at 4am. I've been having horrible pressure and cramping for the past 5 days and it was getting worse yesterday to the point where it woke me up out of my sleep. So the ER doc says everything is normal. The u/s shows I'm 6 w 2 days, and the heartbeat is normal, proper placement, no cysts, no uti, bloodwork normal, and that its prob the way the baby is placed in my uterus which is causing my discomfort. Well, I'm not crazy, I don't understand how that much pain and constant discomfort could be from the positioning of the baby in my uterus at 6 weeks. I'm happy but kind of confused as well.


  • It sounds silly but try drinking more water or even gatorade. I cramp up like that when I dont drink enough. I ended up in er with cramping to be told I was dehydrated...maybe it will help! Good luck
  • @Megmormon3 Yea, I will try that. Anything to get the cramps to lessen. I find I'm always thirsty now as well! I try to drink more as I was never big on drinking a lot of fluid before I was pregnant.
  • Me either which is why I choked down gatorade.to quickly re-hydrate...i hope it helps. Keep me posted
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