wanting out..

edited January 2011 in Third Trimester
Does anyone else want their baby's out already!?? I'm 30wks and I'm already tired of being pregnant! I know its a beautiful thing in all but ugh...I'm tired all day and my back oh my back KILLS! and I'm not very big for being almost 8 months so when he's kicking and under my ribs!! :( lol. He feels like he's so big! I love him and all but he really hurts momma sometimes! I wish it was March 30th!!


  • Haha I defiantly am ready to have our little girl here, my husband is tooooo. All my friends already have their babies and I'm so ready to have her here with us. But I'm only 25 weeks so we gotta wait fire a little longer. Is this your first.
  • I feel u im 33 weeks with my 3rd boy and im so over being pregnant...im still working and its getting harder and harder everyday but my job doesnt pay for mat
  • With both my previous pregnancies I was so ready to be done by 30 weeks an# by 37 I was doing everything and anything possible but not much u can do but try to enjoy it lol I say try I hate being pregnant but love the end result good luck
  • I left out I tried anything and everything to go into labor running up and down stairs jumping jacks blue kohosh !nd so on
  • I'm so done. I'm 30 wks and sooo ready for march 25th ! I'm so tired and sore all the time n done being huge !
  • I'm 34 weeks pregnant with my first & have such bad backache I can't sleep, up & down contanstantly to the toilet,heartburn like u wouldn't belive & tired n grumpy all the time I'm only really tiny as well so feel like I should think my self lucky but gee get her out now please, pregnancy is meant to be joyful but I ain't enjoying this one bit.
  • Good luck the end result is well worth the wait. I absolutely love being pregnant! Sounds crazy I know but this is my second and I love it just as much as the first. You don't have much longer and once your holding your little one in your arms you will forget all abouut everything else. Good luck and rest as much as u can!
  • Sorry everyone I've been so busy! But I went to the Dr yesterday and my lil man is measuring 2 wks ahead! They told it really isn't anything to worry about, but I'm worrying lol. The ultra sound tech sed he's so far down and she made a joke someone might wanna see the world early! I was in shock all day after that! And luckily for me dunces he's moved in head down position he quit kicking mom as much but now the back pain ughhh! He already weighs 4lbs 9oz after seeing him on the ultra sound I keep picturing him in my arms! I wanna hold him so bad. Lol and I want him out!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Be patients girl I feel ur pain
  • I had my son at 30 weeks. It was the scariest thing ever. Keep them in as ling as possible ladies. My son wasn't evm 3 pounds.
  • Well im only 4 months & alreayd ready for it to be here, lol. On the bright side second trimester is seeming to go faster ALOT faster than first!(:
  • I'm 34 weeks and I'm so sick of being huge and gasy! I want to see my hips and waist again.. and I have heartburn that could kill a horse! I wanna hold my little girl so bad.. I love her so much but I'm getting tired of being someones living quarters!! Lol I can't wait to just be normal again!!
  • I feel you girl!
  • yeah I am 30wks and 2 days and I cant wait for it to be over. I just know when he is like 2 I am going to look back and miss the being pregnant part you do so much bonding in those 9 months.
  • Im 37 weeks and 3 days and I cant wait. I have contractions and they get as close as less then an hour apart and then they stop and start all over again the next day.
  • Lol. I'm in my 12th week and I'm ready for it to be over :) I wish for happy, cute babies for all of you!
  • i love being pregnant, i am ready to see my child its just once its born I won't be able to protect it perfectly, wish I could but I can't so i'm somewhat torn but i only have 5 wks left to get over it lol
  • I'm in my 31st week and I can't wait to pop my lil boy out! As blessed as I feel to give life to my son, I just do not enjoy pregnancy lol I want my body back and my son in my arms :*
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