
edited January 2011 in July 2011
Has anyone tried this at home test to see what the gender is? I did this last week which it told me a boy but I wonder how accurate it is. I had a friend who tried it & it was wrong. I guess I'll hopefully know for sure next month with the sono. (:


  • Wow! I just saw an ad for this and was wondering same thing! Don't really see how they can tell by urine, I mean if they could wouldn't the docs do it that way?! Hummmm I'm very curious about it tho!
  • It has great reviews & was on Dr Oz even. (: supposedly it really works. It smelled really bad but turned green right away. It didn't take the 5 mins it states. Will let you know if mine ends up right next month.
  • Thanks I would love to know!! How many weeks were you when u did it? It says you can do it as early as 10 wks.
  • I was 13 weeks.
  • The docs don't use cuz since u can find out ad early as ten weeks they don't want people to abort unwanted sex. That's y its not sold n China or India due to gender selection. My biographer said very accurate if done right but not fool proof just like sonos can b wrong.
  • 95% of the reviews I've read online indicate that the test predicts boys a LOT. Seems fishy to me, I personally wouldn't waste money on it.
  • I tOOk it and its said I was havinq a bOy but when I went tO that dOctOrz they said its a qirl .
  • Mine said boy, but we are definately having a girl. Don't waste your money. If you want to do it for fun, just buy a red cabbage and do that test instea.
  • What's the red cabbage test
  • Intelligender DOES work! Most people don't take it correctly. They have sex 72 hours before taking the test which automatically makes it wrong... they don't use first morning urine... they take the test to early in pregnancy... or they read the results in the wrong time frame window. Me and 5 other ladies at work took this and it was right for everyone. Now 13 weeks pregnant again I got clear boy results and I'm def. Having a boy!
  • I used it and I used my urine at night before I went to sleep and had just had sex and it said boy and wouldn't u know 5 weeks later at the ultrasound it was definitly a boy
  • I used it and I used it correctly... exactly as instructions said. It was wrong though. Test said boy and ultrasound shows clearly a girl!
  • Thanks for all the info! I'll find out in a month to let everyone know if it was right or not. I think I did it all right so we will see!
  • Seems there are more false boy results....imma still try it and ill let u know in three weeks
  • edited January 2011
    My friend did this with her last baby and it came back pink and blue. She wasnt pregnant w twins either
  • Pink and blue? The test results in either orAnge or green
  • The cabbage test is where you take the red cabbage, and break it into small chunks and boil it. Then the water will turn purple. And you take the cabbage water and mix equal parts of it with urine, and it wi
  • This thing keeps cutting my posts short
  • @ robinlinlee83 just wondering how u knw u are having a boy if ur only 13 weeks? Not doubting u just didn't think docs did u/s that early for gender?!
  • Kayla- what's the rest of the cabbage test? This thing cuts me off too!!
  • I tried this at 13 weeks and said I was having a boy but at 15 weeks I found out by ultrasound I'm having a girl. I mean I've heard the test is 50/50
  • I typed cabbage gender and it came up on Google I wonder when u can do it and if progesterone affects results
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  • Says chop up fine and boil for ten. Then get one cup of water from boiled cabbage and pour one cup of pee. Red/ pink means boy....purple is girl
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  • Mix the cabbage water with equal parts of your urine. Redish to a pinkish color is a boy. Purple is a girl. Its just for fun, but so is the intelligender and you save a lot of money if you buy the cabbage. Mine turned
  • Super dark purple, and my friends turned bright red. Her little boy comes in a week. And I am absolutely positively having a girl. Intelligender told me I was having a boy, and even when I emailed them pictures their response said boy, but there's no doubt its a girl.
  • There's also some draino test. But I never tried it because of the chemicals.
  • Imma buy some next trip to store. I'm on progesterone but will let yall kno results. Some say do bf ten weeks and some say do after?
  • They are only 50/50 but I know three people that used it and it was right ..
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