:'( whyyy

Grr I'm so tired and cranky of all these symptoms and doing a test waiting to see 2 lines and only being 1 but being so sure that I am well spose ill have to keep waiting. Just wanted to vent some anger out :(


  • :( aww hun I'm so sorry. Have u tried using clear blue digital ovulation strips? My fiance & I were trying for several months & after the first time using those we got pregnant. If u haven't give then a shot. Good luck to u. I hope u get ur bfp soon!
  • Ty its just so frustrating being sick always tired and hungry my boobs are killing etc and my periods over a week late yet the test says negative I don't get how I can feel sooo pregnant all the symptoms yet I'm not its so much of a head wreck yet I don't want to stress etc as that will make everything worse and if I talk to anyone apart from my partner they think I'm mad grrrr lol so glad for this website :) xx
  • Go to a doctor.... all mine came up negative and I am 21 weeks now
  • I know this sounds silly, but I had to use the cheapest test possible..... For some reason, don't know why, but I swear by Dollar Store test, the least expensive one..... It's actually the same tests used in the hospital (per a friend nurse), it has a squeeze dropper and you use two drops of morning pee!
  • I'm from england @1stbaby but we have the cheep pound ones and I've been using them may try a more expensive one in couple of days and I would go docs but I dnt want them to think I'm mad lol x
  • @georgias_mummy try the asda home brand tests they only about £4 for 2 and I swear by them. X
  • Ah will do dint know they did any ill have a look thanks @melissa1488 x
  • No problem :-) ive tried so many different tests and asda ones in my opinion are best. Got a positive with my son 5 days before my period was due and wasnt with first morning urine either :-) hope u get the result your after x
  • Well I'm a week late now so fingers crossed just h8 feeling shit if ain't for a licle bundle of joy lol but thanks so muccch xx
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