I had it with my daughter. She was born at normal 38 weeks. Its not something you can prevent it just happens. Toxemia is another name for preeclampsia.
@ahuyser I wasn't induced. She came 2 weeks early on her own. They tried to give me pitocen to speed up my labor but i refused. They broke my water and she came really quick.
I had pre-elcampsia (toxemia) with both of my previous pregnancies. Unfortunatly, it can not be prevented. The only thing the dr. can do is monitor your blood pressure and watch for protein in your urine. I had both c-sections @ around 37-38 weeks and delivered healthy babies!! Hoping not to get it this time, but my blood pressure is already starting to creep up [-O<
I had it with my son he was 38 weeks they had to induce me I was in labor with him for 3 days they said if I didn't give birth that either of us would of die or one of us the doctor told me its caused by salty food or if u get high blood purcusse that y with this pregnancy I'm tryin to watch my food intake I'm still scared I'm goin to get it again cuz I'm already 32 weeks n I got it when I was 37 weeks so I'm prayin I don't get it again
ohh man I'm waiting for the results for my 24 hour urine test I took it Monday and haven't heard anything Back yet.Hopefully that's a good thing. ... I pray negative for preclampsia!! Ill be 33 weeks tomorrow.
... I pray negative for preclampsia!! Ill be 33 weeks tomorrow.