can anyone help me out?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
My due date is may 26th and my stomach has not dropped yet but when i walk it hurts really bad under my stomach and i get really bad cramps around my belly button and the pain is so bad that it hurts to breath.
Can anyone help with advice?


  • With my second daughter I had really bad braxton hic contractions when I walked..if it gets bad like that just take it easy c: my belly also didn't drop until a week before I had her..just besure to take it easy and drink plenty of water and gatorade. I hope this helps! Best of luck Mommy to be :X
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  • Thank you kirtybell3 this is my first baby so every little thing freaks me out.
    But also when im sitting or standing something on my body goes numb out of nowhere :/
    @angelinaandme i have called like 6 different times and each doctor on call tells me something different.
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