Weight gain at 23 weeks - post yours

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
How much weight did u gain by 23 weeks?


  • I'm 22 weeks have gained 9
  • Well im 25.4 weeks and have gained 20 already
  • Oh dear God- I already gained 20!
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  • my first pregnancy I gained 50 & 40with my 2nd, so im not too worried about it.
  • 30w gained 38....what does he expect? I quit smoking and drinking, what else is there left to do but eat!
  • I'm down 20 lbs
  • almost 21 weeks. ! i have a doctors appt friday so well c ! but last month it was 4lbs @16 weeks? so prob 8-9 now?!? ahh!
  • I went to my wkly apt today & I had gained 3lbs in 1 wk I have gained a total of 34lbs I am 36+3 my dr said I will def delivery before my due date I cant wait im scared as hell
  • @ karla - did u have trouble losing it the first 2 times? How long did it take?
  • I am 22 weeks down 5 still but gained 3 from my lowest!!!
  • 25 weeks. Only gained 5. Nutritionist is maddd at me
  • @jhroleypoley with my first, it took about a year, but I did excercise. With my 2nd it took.about 6 months or so and I didnt excerise with him.
  • At 23 weeks I gained only 5 lbs
  • 21 weeks & 5 pounds
  • 19 weeks, lost 10lbs :/
  • 24 weeks and 15 pounds! I'm hoping to only gain 30 so well see!
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  • @jhroleypoley I will be 23 weeks on Wednesday and I've gained 20 pounds. Apparently I'm doing good with the weight gain though. I only weighed 103 pounds before I got preggo..
  • I'm 22wks today. I lost about 8 lbs starting out but have gained 10 now. So really I've only gained 2-3 lbs from where I started.
  • 25 weeks and gained 6 lbs.
  • I'm 21 weeks and I've gained 11 pounds :( I gained only 15 total with my first. Hope its easy to loose
  • Quick question. I'm only 16 weeks today but lost 9 lbs first trimester. Have any of the ladies that posted a normal weight gain started off loosing a bit like me? I've gained back 7 of those 9 lbs so far so I'm only 2 lbs less than my first visit. Sounds silly but I can't wait to have gained like 10 lbs like most of you have stated. :)
  • at 25 weeks I gained 12 pounds
  • @MrsForsee when I first got pregnant I lost 15lbs due to intense morning sickness and I was a little girl to start. I didn't start putting on weight til about 25wks when my nausea finally calmed down, and I'm now 39 wks and I've gained a healthy 20lbs. Don't stress if you're not gaining weight right away, your body will catch up. Just enjoy being little while it lasts lol by the time 39wks gets here, you'll sure miss it!!
  • 22w5d and up a total of 3 lbs since my very first appt, my weight has been going up and down like crazy
  • I am 22 weeks and have gained 12 lbs. I don't eat much so idk where its coming from. :-?
  • Im 29 weeks now but at 23 I gained only 6 but the weights coming on fast now!
  • @mommeee123 Thanks for answering!!!. :) I started off about 10 lbs overweight but my ob never even mentioned it, she just said she wanted to se me gain 20-25lbs. Total. I lost the weight too because of morning sickness, just hope I gain at a healthy rate and only gain that 20-25 lbs. Glad my appetite is coming back! :)
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