edited February 2011 in Pregnant
abortion is a touchy subject for some women. I had an abortion 2 yrs ago...i wjz afraid i couldnt get lregnant again bcus of da crazy things i heard abojt after effects of abortions....i got pregnant in may of last yr but miscarried :(. Iam pregnant now & teverything is going ok...fa da most part! I wanna kno if anyone has had any experiences w l abortions & abortions & gettin pregnant?? SN: sorry such a touchy curious tho!


  • Someone I know had gotten one when she was Bout 28? And got pregnant at 35 but it was completely healthy but she had terminated that pregnancy as well..but it would of went full term. It's just a possibility of not being able to carry out the pregnancy so just take it easy if your worried
  • My pregnancy now is fine. 13 wks. Dats my fear is ima get further & somethin bad will happen. Thanx for the advice. & iam takin it easy as possible :)
  • That's awesome and good luck :)
  • I had an abortion in July of 2002 and I just got pregnant again in Nov 2010. During those years I had 2 serious relationships and didn't use protection very often. I was so worried I would never get pregnant again and here I am now 14 weeks along ans so far so good :)
  • My stepmom had an abortion when she was in the army cause she had a fractured hip and they said it would be best. I now have a 12 year old step brother and she had him completely natural =) I will pray for you
  • My cousin had an abortion and then about 2 years later she got pregnant with a little girl. Brook is a healthy and happy 2 yr old. Good luck!
  • I had two when I was younger and am having my 3rd child in long as your honest with your doctors they will take care of you your baby
  • My friend had an abortion when she was young and gotten pregnant a couple years later. She had a little girl that was born like 2 months premature and she didn't make it. And then she got pregnant again and we were a week apart and both having boys. She had a miscarriage @ 15 wks. All pregnancies are different though. Just be careful with your body.
  • @ everyone..thanks for the feed back :). I already hav a 20 month old " he is happy & healthy. Iam on my 2nd i jus had some concerns about this one. Iam 13w & everything is goin ok so far. I developed anemia in my 5th w...other den dat im ok...i get very tired from time to time but dat is expected bcus of the anemia & the pregnancy. Thanx again to everybody who commented!!!!
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