boil??? please help!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Okay so I've had a large bump on my inner thighs before but never on my private part :( I have shave everything off but I don't think its a ingrown cause its large but seems soft to the touch...I'm guessing boil? I don't even know what that is cause I've never had one...its a little sensitive. I see my doctor on Wednesday :/


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  • Its right above the lips, where the line starts...
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  • Ok ill look that stuff up :/ it makes me paranoid every time I look at it...ill try the warm compress too. I'm so embarrassed to tell my doctor cause the OB that I had before stopped delivering babies so my doctor is really young. I'm five months pregnant and he hasn't seen my V yet! Ahhhhh lol
  • I did take a mirror but its almost as if its a water pocket..

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  • I agree w/@isaiahnjocelynsmommy, A Warm Compress should help. &nd you can also apply Neosporin or Paroxide to the area. That's what my OB suggested I do, &nd it worked.
  • hydrocortizone helps..
  • @isaiahnjocelynsmommy LOL No doesn't seem to itch at all...didn't even know I had it until lastnight when I showered and felt it.
  • Ok thanks so much! Ima try those things :)
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  • hunni I have one right now and im getting it removed monday....they hurt so bad and when ur pregnant ur hormones are different and that makes them worse I was put on antibiotics and that usualy help...
  • :( deep breath....ok
  • I had something like that. I just had it surgically removed. It was lanced one time, it was incredibly painful so I had them remove it when it was not swollen. It was only an ingrown that got infected. If u use hot compress it will come to a head. I heard stories of ppl popping them themselves, but all that does is push infection in further. Best bet is go to doctor. They might have to lance it and then have it removed after u have ur baby. Good luck, these things suck!
  • by the way does anyone know if its safe to have it removed im 5 months and im going to be put to very nervous
  • @soontobemomof2 I had the surgery less than 2 wks ago, I am not preg. They did not put me to sleep. I was given anesthesia but there are different levels. Since the surgery is so short (10-15 minutes) it will seem like ur asleep, but ur not. My surgeon later told me about our conversation while was he cuttin me up, it was hilarious.
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