i feel like im leaking!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
im 15w 1d and i feel like im leaking fluid...my panties always feel wet lol tmi but like not no discharge or nothing..like water all over...anyone else having this? Or am i the weirdo? lol


  • You need to go to the doctor asap. Leaking fluid is very dangerous. I had low fluid with my first and I ended up having her 5 weeks early.
  • How do i kno for sure it is? Im soo early
  • U could b peein lol
  • Lol its not anything like wet n drippin n i dnt think im peeing lol
  • If I remember from school I think they have some kind of test they can do on the leaky fluid to see if its anmiotic fluid. Prob do an ultrasound to check the fluid level. Go to the doc girl!! You could be dilated and water broke and not even know it. Incompetent cervix happens all the time at the stage your at.
  • damn that sux.. i just moved n my doc is still in my old city like a hr away..
  • im waiting for another ob by my house to open n see if they can see me. I hate the er!
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