im addicted to ....

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Coca cola..ok or no no ?


  • A little bit of caffeine is ok. As long as your not drinking a bunch its ok to indulge a little!
  • Me too!! I think its fine in moderation si unfortunately that means addicts like us probably need to cut back...
  • I'm the same with Pepsi. I have 1 a day now.
  • Me too! I didn't drink a lot of soda but now I'm always wanting one.
  • Lol I'm addicted to coke too lol but if I don't then I throw up all the food I ate and water makes me vomit all the time!
  • best is a can to drink...Make sure after that, you can drink water or juice ...
  • makeup_artist_mommy, very true... a soda is helping and relief but water i could throw up.. i didnt realize it...
  • Ive recently switched to brisk raspberry ice tea it only has eight mg. caffeine per can so I can drink all I want my doctor said to keep it under three hundred mgs a day
  • Thebubblegum lol yes its very nasty to throw up after u eat so a soda and juice after a meal is good but very little like a can..when u have snacks then let it be all the water there is lol
  • I was a coca cola addict until I got pregnant. It gives me nasty heartburn!
  • 8 oz or less a day.... I was doing good for the first 4 mo at 8oz a mo! Now I am closer to 8 oz a week... Of drink with caffine that is
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