dont feel pregnant anymore...

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
Im almost 17 weeks and everything feels different. I just don't feel pregnant anymore. I'm not bleeding or having pain, but I'm so worried. This is my first baby so honestly I'm worried about what's normal. I'm chubby anyway so I won't feel the baby move right away... any suggestions to ease my mind.


  • I stopped feeling preggers around the time also. But at 20wks it all started up again. I started breaking out again and I started to feel her move. I have some days that I dont feel a thing but then she reminds me she is there. I wouldn't worry if there are no other symptoms.
  • I stopped feeling pregnant around 16 weeks. All my symptoms went away and I freaked out. I went in to my drs office to hear her heart beat a couple times. It helped me alot!! I would ask if u can come here ur babies heart beat, ur worried because u don't feel pregnant. Good luck and best wishes!!
  • im the same way, in the beginning, i DEFINITELY felt pregnant with all the symptoms, now i dont even feel pregnant anymore, im sure it will kick back in & you'll FOR SURE know your pregnant when your belly gets bigger, you start feeling rough kicks & what not lol.. im waiting patiently for that... :)
  • Just keep in mind that in your second trimester your supposed to feel better, no more nausea, energy levels back, and also the glow happens! Lol if your super nervous about it, go to the doctor and have them do an U/S, better to be safe than sorry...I'm 23 weeks and since week 14 I have felt awesome, and now my boy is moving a lot more than before so it might just take some time before you feel movement especially since 1st time moms typically start feeling movement weeks 18-24! Good luck!
  • Everyone goes through that little bump of not feeling pregnant, wait til you get movement and can see your stomach moving
  • If you need some reassurance call your doctor and see if you can come in and hear the heartbeat right quick.
  • Thanks ladies :) I'm gonna just deal with it because I live an hour from my doctors office. Nothing seems wrong I just like reassurance. How are u ladies feeling and how far along are you?
  • me either this week I'm not showing I felt the baby move more the last 2 weeks and this week barely anything
  • but he does move though but only once a day I feel him
  • I wish I could feel my baby! How far along are you @preggointx
  • @ourfirst1 19weeks 2 days but he is meaduring at 20 weeks
  • Cool :) good luck
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