if you strictly pump, do you produce the same?
I'm not sure if the title made much sense but I really would like to breastfeed this baby. However, I have two other children to tend to, as well as our home so I feel that pumping would be easiest for me. If you start pumping since the day or day after birth, frequently, do you produce just the same as someone who nurses off their breast?
@Mnbaby3, how often were you pumping? Honestly if I could pump for atleast 4months, I would be so happy.
@Momma2joe, if I fed off the breast for the first few weeks do you think I would produce well enough to pump for a while? & if I pump inbetween feedings won't that make me very sore? I know that breastfeeding is supply & demand though.
@HomeBirthAdvocate, yeah that's what most of you ladies are saying. I just don't know how I'm going to do it.
@okmom, a lot of us women think alike! That's why it's nice to have forums & message boards to communicate on!
@Brooke3705, every 2hrs is 12 times a day. That doesn't sound too bad in my opinion, you just have to make sure you don't miss any feedings. Oh my goodness though, I could only hope whatever I do will make me produce such an amount! I would love not to spend over $100 in formula a month! & thanks for the pump suggestion! I started looking at pumps a couple days ago, & I didn't even know where to start... all I knew was that I definitly wanted an electric one lol.
Does breastfeeding make your nipples chapped? How do you cleanse your breast while breastfeeding? When does your milk supply usually come in?
I know my body produces milk, with my first son & my youngest, my boobs leaked so much it was ridiculous. I would go through pads like they were just napkins, it was only my middle child I had trouble producing with, but as I've mentioned the nicu stay affected my nutritional intake, affected my sleep, & was a very stressful time in my life.
But I agree with everyone about starting out with the breast. After nursing I would pump for 5 minutes, then gradually increased to 10 minutes and was able to build a decent storage supply for others to help with feedings. Good luck!
Is this the pump you wrre talking about?
@HomeBirthAdvocate, thanks! I porbably will pick up a book or two, I want to go to breastfeeding classes too but my clinic says you can't go til like your third trimester. So you can use soap as usual? Just wondering because I wasn't sure if you should just rinse because sometimes soap coule leave residue? So until milk comes in you give formula right? But won't that cause nipple confusion as some have mentioned above?
@lilbabythree, okay thanks! I will def try to find something to help out with the cost if I can. I showed my husband lastnight & he was like wow use your friends pump. No offense, I trust that she is clean & all, but I really want my own pump. I read online you cannot clean inside of the machines? Please tell me they come with cleaning instructions.
@Mnbaby3, I will be getting my pump before the baby is born, so I don't think they'll help then? Anyways besides that fact I have tricare through the military because my husband is a marine & they seem to only cover the bare minimum of things unless more is medically necissary. I do plan on getting ahold of a lactation consultant & going to a breastfeeding class but I have to wait until my third trimester I guess.