has any one had a healthy pregnancy after a miscariage

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I am now 11w1d pregnant and I have a miscarriage on dec 21st it was my first baby and I'm afriad its gonna happen again.I have many more symptoms but I don't know if its bad if I got pregnant so fast.


  • I had a miscarriage may 07 got pregnant june 07 and delivered a healthy baby girl march 08. So yep no worries
  • I had a miscarriage on January 20th and am now 6 weeks pregnant. All we can do is stay positive. It's very hard not thinking about it....
  • yup i lost my baby july 18 of last year i found out i was pregnant in september now im due next month :) everything will be fine :)
  • Very good question! I was wondering the same thing. I had a d&c 2 weeks ago and im ready to start trying again. My doctor told me to wait 3 months, but im not liking that suggestion. When can u safely start trying again? Im super worried about getting preggo too soon and miscarrying again.
  • My mom miscarried before having me was told she would never have kids well she went on to have three healthy babies and only the last pregnancy at 36 ended in mc
  • I had a miscarriage in may 98 then an ectopic in Dec 98....was told I may never carry a healthy termed baby. Found out I was pregnant in 03 delivered a healthy baby girl in July 04 another in Jan 08 and due in Sept with yet another princess!!! All will be fine.... congratulations
  • I m/c in Sept last year..got prego in Dec. I'm now 17w 4d. I was sooooo terrified of anothr m/c in the beginning. Now I'm getting much more comfortable. I found out yesterday I'm carrying a healthy baby boy. I wish you the best!
  • edited April 2011
    Might I add I only have 1 Fallopian tube and Pcos.
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  • Had a mc in june 2010 got pregnant in Aug 2011. Now 34 wks and everything is perfect so don't let it worry you
  • @richjen24 that is so comforting to hear! I was thinking I would wait one cycle as well that way I would have something to date the next pregnancy with. They told me I would get my cycle back 6-8 weeks after the surgery. Does that sound about right?
  • I've had 5m/c one live birtg and currently 15w into a healthy pregnancy
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  • @lil_bit17 I got mine back a month after my dnc so and u will feel when your gonna get it back.
  • @richgirl24 thanks for all the great info :-) my periods are dead on so maybe it will start back in like 2 weeks! Im so glad your pregnancy is going well! Stories like yours make me happy! @dueoct27th im liking the sound of that! So I could potentially start in two weeks. Im looking foward to those cramps lol! I hope u have a wonderful pregnancy as well :X
  • @dueoct27th the only thing is make sure you are emotionally ready for it. A miscarriage is emotionally draining as I am sure you know. So just make sure you are helathy for that. It is a big challenge.
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