havent seen my baby :/

I'm already ten weeks & I haven't gotten to see my baby.. but I knw its there lol morning sickness is driving me crazy!


  • Im 10weeks too and havent seen mine either. But I knw he or she is there b.c im soooooo sick !
  • I know the feeling I'm 12weeks and only saw mines one time at eight weeks :( I miss my baby lol
  • My insurance didn't let me get one til 20 weeks then I had to wait an extra week cuz my doc had to cancel that appt.
  • I didn't see mine until 19 weeks
  • That's crazy.. I don't feel so bad anymore..ugh mine was my insurance too I hate it.. I had really bad morning sickness,but for the past two days I haven't felt it a lot.. could tht be normal?..
  • I won't be seeing mine til 20 wks 6days. I am 15+3 today.
  • @praying4our3rd oh thank god cuz I was really wishing they'd settle down a bit.. lol

    @jbandno3 how come u have to wait so long
  • @happiestmommietobe that is how my doctor does it. I see a family practice physician and unless u are high risk or are unsure of dates they don't send you for an ultrasound. I love my doc and trust her so I have no worries about waiting. I waited with my two older children and it was great knowing that we could find out the sex that day with baby's cooperation of course. My drs office doesn't have a u/s machine either.
  • @jbandno3 oh that's pretty cool =P~
  • @jbandno3 Sorry my phn is being stupid.. that's pretty cool to knw tho cuz this is my first baby & I thought u were supposed to get an u/s every month..
  • Usually you only get two u/s and maybe one when you are in labor. My insurance does one at 10 weeks or so to see the baby and then later to find out the sex and make sure the baby is developing correctly. I was lucky with my first I had 4 ultrasounds but I don't think I will be that lucky this time
  • It's cuz my brothers gf gets one every month so I thought that's how it was
  • I'm almost 7weeks and had no morning sickness at all? But I'm exhausted?
  • I've had both full.on force lol
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