I miscarried...

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
But I think I've come to terms with it. I think it was good we didn't tell family yet because of this. Unfortunately my dad now knows because he was at my house while my husband had to pick me up from work during the whole ordeal so then my husband told him so he would leave. I haven't called the drs yet because I literally just had my first appt today. Better luck next time right?

I do have a question for anyone preg. At my appt the dr told me they don't typically do visual u/s until 16 weeks. Everyone I know has had one between 8-10w and again 17-20w. I wouldn't want to wait until 16w to see my baby. Both my husband left the appt confused. I think we will be switching clinics all together next time around. I guess my question is this what you were told?


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  • I had an u/s at 6wks b/c o\i was spotting and the doc wanted to see if the pregnancy was viable that the baby and the sac was where it needed to be.
  • We didn't tell our family that we were going to lose it either. We.found out at our 8 wk ultrasound that there was no baby. Didn't tell our family until 2 wks later when we finally had the miscarriage.

    My ob said they don't do us until 8-10 wks due to the baby being so small before then.
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  • Yeah, its usually 8wks to see just how far u actually are. My prayers are with u n in sending much baby love with ttc in the future
  • I don't think my dr office does them til like 18 weeks. But if you tell them that your periods were really messed up and you don't know how far along you are they might do it sooner, mine did.
  • So sorry for your mc. I can relate to how much it sucks! For my first pregnancy I had an u/s at 6 weeks because I was spotting. With that pregnancy I found out about my mc at my 12 wk appt - baby had stopped developing at 8 wks. Then my second pregnancy was an ectopic - didn't know I was pregnant until in the ER because of pain - lost my tube. This pregnancy I had an u/s @ 5 wks (to make sure no ectopic) and at 6 wks to make sure there was a heartbeat. Then I had another at 7 wks because I was spotting. As long as this one sticks I won't have another 18 wks or so. Most people I know don't get u/s until 18-20 wks. The ones I know that get them sooner are because of history, spotting or don't know due date.
  • Yeah I went to the clinic saying I thought I was 12 weeks. When my doctor did my pelvic exam she was in shock my uterus wasnt big and didn't feel like a 12wk uterus so she sent me to an ultrasound the next day to check the correct size and I was only 8 weeks. But I also mentioned how my last period didn't seem normal and I took it as implantation bleeding so I figured my lnp was the month before.
  • Definately better luck next time hun ;-) we will be in the ttc club together! I saw my little bean and heard a heartbeat at 8 weeks but it passed at 9+5 and I carried it till 12.
  • All of my other pregnancies they did one at my first appt, when ever that was. It was different each time. My last one b4 this one I was around 7 or 8 weeks. This one I was 15+ just because I didn't even know I was pregnant till around 12 weeks. I would interview other ob's or ask friends for references.
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