epidural....yes,no,or maybe so

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I know a lot of people say that they are planning to have a natural birth with no drugs. Yet once that pain hits them,they give in. What r ur views on epidural(or other pain killing drugs)?


  • I went natural for as long as I could but my labor stalled so I got one and loved it! It is the only medical pain killer for during labor that does not effect your baby, thats why I picked it.
  • I had all 4 or myh kids naturl your bodys ment to do it and I was able to be up with the baby withen 20 min.
  • I was up walking around within 30 minutes of delivery as well, very short pushing time of 37 minutes, and labor went fast after I got it, I will try to go natural this time around again but if my labor stalls, its better than getting a c-section.
  • I had a epidural with my first I was in so much pain and I had third degree tearing and they had to cut me on top of all that I don't want to imagine the pain I would have been in. I tried getting one with my second but he came to quick he didn't hurt me but he was also 7 weeks early
  • Go as long as you can without it there is nothing wrong with getting one you will be more comfortable with one
  • Very much agreed with @rihannamom11
    Congrats to all of you mommies!!
  • I took the epidural! Bring me the pain medicine. I also was in a bad car accident in 2003 where vi cracked my skull in several places and now have nerve damage so when I tense my body I have shooting pains through my head. So having contractions is has a whole different level of pain for me.
  • My sister told me that if you have back problems pre-pregnancy that it isn't good to get one since it goes into ur spine. That sucks for me if thats true cuz I have lower back pain. I'm going to try and go au natural but ill prob take thr drugs if I can lol
  • Im gonna go with it! This is my first and they told me he was big so I say bring on the meds! Lol someone created them for a reason.
  • I had a natural birth with my daughter and plan to do the same with this baby. Our bodies are made to give birth. It hurt but at the same time was a great experience.
  • I totally agree with @MomE2A09X11 bcuz I had a natural birth with my daughter n plan on doing the same with this one.
  • I want to have a natural birth too but I'm so scared but my mom did it and she wants me to try it as well
  • Yes i would get it if i were you:) it helped me out alot i love it..
  • I heard if u get the epidural it helps in labor but in the loooong run it messea up ur back...that u have alot of back pain especially wen its cold :(...idk if I shud go for it or not
  • I want my birth to be as natural as possible. Id actually love to give birth at home. As long as no complications arise, I might shoot for that.
  • @AR1020 It does mess your back up more if you previously have back pains. I do and got an epidural and when I got out I could barely bend over with out crying. It sucked!
  • That sucks. That means natural for me. Unless there is something else i can take
  • I've had an epidural twice... Loved it, no complications and I'm doing it again! I never had IV pain meds b/c it affects your baby since it's in ur blood steam! Sign the papers "just in case"!
  • I'm definitely getting an epidural with this baby. I had one with my son last August and I absolutely loved it. I had to be induced and the epidural made me dilate really fast (something about allowing your body to relax so it can do its things). I've had absolutely no back problems or after effects. I was up and moving around within an hour of delivering and getting the epidural wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it would be. I'd totally recommend it.
  • I have horrible back problems from a pervious accident in 2008. Got my epidural with my daughter in 2010....never made my back any worse at all. It actually isn't out of place as much. Trying as long as I can to go natural again this time but if I have to, I will get another epidural.
  • I am trying to decide too. I want to go all natural and I know thousands of women deliver babies everyday naturally all over the world. I am hoping that will motivate me to do the same. Also Mom in law has 8 kids all born at home no meds. No pressure
  • This is my first child I wasn't plan on gettin a epidural. But the stories I heard about child birth are crazy but I'm not letting that scare me because everybody pain is different. I'm tryin some breathing exercises and Imma try to keep my mind off the pain if not I'm goin to scream drugs LOL
  • I had both my kids natural. I didn't want my baby getting the drugs. And I knew I could do it as long as there were no complications. So many times it slows labor, or keeps you bed ridden. I was up n around right befor and right after. I'm not saying its the only choice, or does not have a place. Some women cant relax, and the epidural helps them push, others it can cause thier bodys to slow progress. I had two very healthy babys, and a picture perfect birth at a birthing Inn. Not a fan of busy loud hospitals :) I have two good friends who had seriouse issues with the epidural. One it leaked into her back and caused serious isues. The other had a lot of back pain after and still has it resurface time to time. Something to do with the nerves. An aquaintance had it done wrong by the nurse and it numbed the wrong area, waist up-arms and things so she was miserable! lol not funny then but kinda is now :P I like that I can go home right away also. don't have to absurve me and baby more then 4 hrs with no drugs. So I can stay or go as I feel :) Good luck every one.
  • I'm doing demerol, everyone I talked to had an awesome experience with it, and I'm kind of scared about a needle that close to my spine.. my mom had me natural, and carried me 10 months because her doctor didn't believe in inducing. She also did an epidural and demerol with my two younger brothers, and told me that demerol was the best. She didn't get real loopy on it, and she could actually see the contractions and she felt everything but there was no pain. So, I've decided on demerol, and mamma knows best! Lol
  • I had two 9 lb boys completely natural no pain meds at all and it was a breeZe
  • And by the way ur due date is the beginning of ur tenth months
  • I have had five children and am now pregnant with my sixth and due April 9th. I had tried to have an epidural with my first but the neurologist couldn't get it in. it was an awful experience. They offered me demerol after the failed epidural which just made me exhausted! The other four were all natural with my last 9lbs 5oz =). Hoping to have home birth this time. Everyone giving birth should watch "the business of being born". Great info. Birth is an amazing experience... =] remember your body was designed to give birth.
  • I am definaltly getting one. I have had two done and never had any back problems after. My back was sore for a cople days after but no problems. I know our bodies are ment for it. But, i want it to be an enjoyable experience which means being comfortable.
  • Gunna try natural if the baby lets me but dr. said if too big gotta go c
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