went to doctors office 2 soon

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
So I went 2 my doctor today to get a pregnancy test...results were in deed positive but when he tried to give me an ultrasound, he couldn't determine how far a long I was. So I didn't get a due date...I go for blood tomorrow & return next week. Now this is my 4th pregnancy & I never did this b4. Has anyone else experience this & if so what were the results????


  • Yes the ultrasound didn't even show a sac I was almost four weeks. I'm now six and my baby has a heartbeat! Best of luck!
  • Oh ok so yesterday I went back 2 the doctor 2 get my dd. He did another sonogram & finally seen the baby but still hasn't given me my dd...he said when I come back in 3 weeks he can give it 2 me then. Weird 2 me but I guess I have no choice but to wait. Thnkz 4 responding!
  • You can guesstimate by plugging the first day of your last period into this app. Most doctors and most of these app use that calculation. Its the most accurate since its difficult to pin down the exact date of conception. I'm surprised he's making you wait! I took a pee test at the docs and they didn't ultrasound, just used a little cardboard circle thing to give me my DD.
    but ive noticed lots of different opinions and protocols for docs on many different subjects in here. Good luck!
  • Well yes I've done that. According 2 my last period my dd is September 28th. I asked him if I can use that & he tld me no, he will check in 3 wks & tell me then. I'm thnkng I'm about 6wks but not sure cause he hasn't even tld me that.
  • when I got my first ultrasound my doc wasnt too sure about the due date either. He told me Sept 7th but he said its not definite yet. He also wanted to wait 3 weeks and check again to be sure...so I have another ultrasound on Monday =) Im just glad my doctor gave me some kind of idea!
  • Yea I'm clueless....playing the guessing game....LOL
  • Ppssshhhh.... men docs ;) lol
  • I just went through this. I was only 4 weeks when I had my first ultrasound, and we couldn't really see anything, but hormone levels were high... Last week, at 6 weeks we discovered I'm carrying twins!
  • Wow CONGRATULATIONS!!! I knw u must b excited!
  • I just did that myself.. My lab work and my LMP indicated I was 3 weeks, but the sono didn't even show a baby! I was a lil disturbed at first, but I'm 15 weeks now and everything is fine! CONGRATULATIONS!!
  • Well thnk u...I'm goin krazy bcuz my blood test came back inclusive
  • Blood test are NEVER inconclusive as far as a bhcg levels
  • Well the doctor said he couldn't tell me how far I was frm the blood test...it couldn't b read...this is wat I was tld
  • An hcg test can't give a good estimate on how far along one is because the hcg numbers vary so widely btwn one person to another. The test is mainly used to see if its a healthy pregnancy as the numbers should at least double each day. That's why the Dr does an ultrasound. It gives the best estimate. Hope that helped! :-)
  • Ok Thnx. So I guess I'll have 2 weigh these next 3wks out
  • edited February 2011
    Subtract three months and add seven days from the first day of your last period n that's an estimated due date how the doctors do it
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