i had to open another account



  • Lol so true
  • The reason to come back would be to say haha you deleted me but here I am. we are not children they can't send us to our rooms and expect us to stay there:)
  • I agree its so crazy
  • It's not the forum. We all love to share thing n get advice from other mommies. I believe its how some r free to say what they want others get deleted or banned. As stated n another post a lot feel as tho the moderators are goin a lil crazy n @martin is no where around to answer questions
  • I agree@ marriedwith_4
  • We should be allowed as MEMBERS to vote on other members being deleted as well as the choosing of moderators and the choice to let them stay in their position or "impeach " them. I'm OK with some and not with others. There is definitely an abuse of authority going on. None the less good luck with everyones pregnancy. @Martin this could be a consideration????
  • @singlemomofsoontobe3 I wrote your email down just in case. But yes I agree we should have a vote! There are some mods I really like and some are taking this to far!
  • I'm curious. Who would get safety and who would be voted off?
  • She can just come back again!
  • I feel like this is survivor pregly edition (like the show) LMAO
  • Lmao@bwhite55019
  • Basically ths app is turning into favortism it already violates the freedom of speech bt it jus dnt make since to delete 1 person 4 sayin sumthin & nt the nxt 4 sayin exactly wat they said......i dnt get it
  • @supermom405 exactly. it's OK from some people but not all right? lol....
  • @baileygoose that's what im saying! God everyone is so annoying....and I know from the other large forum I was apart of they made it so that you can't just make a new profile. It was something to do with an ip address I believe. So there was
    No defying the mods there...that's just how it went there were people in charge to keep the snooty comments & ganging up on out the door. Maybe @martin will take that next step, so all this nonsense will stop & the ones that strictly would just like to talk about pregnancy and get help can finally achieve that ;)
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • All thngs kome with pregnancy all attitudes good ir bad bt thts wat u hve to exspect kreatin a pregnancy app every1 isnt gonna agree on everything bt banning select ppl for expressin their oppinons doesnt solve anything it jus kreates konflict & ppl wnt really speak their minds bcus of the fact they may get banned its jus a meaningless thing bt its jus unkalled for wen u dbt bann every1 who had sumthin to say
  • @ mama_ kat I had my account for awhile and if yall or anybody else wanna detle me again go right ahead because I will be back... and what's the point of making a fake account ... so for whoever told u that tell them to do something better within. There time ... 8-|
  • seriously? :/
  • Seriously wat????
  • @mama_kat do you guys have a "moderator forum" that only moderators can see? I sincerely think that you should if you don't. Then you guys can discuss things like whether an account is fake or not with each other and everyone can be on the same page before someone is banned. You can also discuss thread closures and whatnot so, again, the moderator team can be on the same page and decide if it is/was truly a necessary action to take.
  • Confused.... nothing is making sense anymore....
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Its not even close to being resolved! :-@
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Oh Snap! :-"
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