Iam a 20 year old mother of a 3 yr. Old son and also currently 6 months pregnant with my daughter. Never thought I would ever consider giving my baby up for adoption but that is what I'm considering and I'm scared. I've been with my fiance for over 4 years now . My son is his and also my daughter. Lately it feels like we have fallin out of love with eachother and I also feel like he's being unfaithful. I don't know what to do. I cry myself to self at night and I feel like I'm at a stand still because he pays all the bills mean while I had to quit my job due to my pregnancy. So now I have a 3 year old on my hip and waiting for another one. Reality has hit me and I just can't do this. Let alone I feel like I dnt want to be with my fiance anymore. This is an overwhelming feeling and I know without him my life will be hell with two kids dnt know if I can go through with adoption but seriously considering it now. Don't get me wrong I want my child but everything with my relationship is f**ked up. Why bring a child into this situation. Please ladies I need some advice!!
God is with you!