i need someone severely intelligent!!!!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
To invent a fast forward button!!! Or least a hurry up button! 122days is waaaaay to long.
Anybody else feel like its gonna last forever?


  • Yes October seems sooo far away
  • I do! I wish it was November already!
  • Well if u find that person please let me know. I'm due Sept 16th and have 160 days left! :(
  • Well, are any of you ladies like severeley intelligient that can make it happen? Lol. My brain stopped working a while back :) baby Ysabel has taken over my body! :) but, I hate to say it, I got till august, and it DOES sound better then oct and nov! But I know that it'll be here before we all know it!
  • @wallieheadbaby3 I got it! Ill jsut go to bed bath n beyond and get one of those remotes! :) (from the move click)
  • @mama_underpants lol well let me know how much it is or if I can barrow yours? :)
  • 3 days seem like too long. Lol
  • Whaaaaat @KrazymomofAdrian !???????
    That's no where near as bad!! Lol

    @wallieheadbaby3 sure thang, but there not open right now! :(
  • I have been kinda busy working on my transport pad so I can get fro/ place to place without spending money on gas...... ill put the fast forward button on my list of things to make.... maybe before the automatic toilet seat putter downer (so tired of almost falling in when my bd forgets to put it down.. and only happens in the middle of the night when im half asleep!)
  • Lol it could be another 2 weeks at this rate. Lol I am just saying that ANYTIME is too long. That wasn't meant to,be capitalized lol oops.
  • @KalikoJenie the gas one for sure has to come 1st!!! And my son does that to me! Silly boys! Lol
  • Ugh november.. I hate how the apps I have own my phone say so and so weeks or days are left.. like f u app! Haha.. :(
  • @Leggs2011 I know! And whenever my phone acts stupid it'll be like your in the 41st week! Whaaaat? I wish! Lol
  • My day is in June n I'm still countin. Thou I'm mad I won't be able to go to the beach in a bikini n show off my awesome preg body
  • @kalikojenie Sooo funny! And @Leggs2011 Sooo true!
  • @Leggs2011 I feel you seeing I still have over a hundred makes me a little impatient!
  • But ill b sad wen its over an miss the nites I get some sleep an then they grow up too fast an then u want that rewind button
  • we only have 150 days to go n it seems like time is flying (:
  • @tifferzz09 I know! My son is 3 and my daughter 20mnths! They truley do grow way to fast!
  • @tifferzz09 yeah.... that is totally true.... I miss my babies being babies. My daughter is 8 and my son is 3 :(
  • 98 days to go here ;)
  • @FirstTimeDaddy that's cuz your not the one actually pregnant! Lol it does seem to go by fast but then your like dang I still have "...." days to go!
  • edited April 2011
    lol. that might b tru. im like yay 150 days to go. n my gf says "do u have to remind me every 10 days " lol ima start doin the 25 at a time now (:
  • Shit I have 215 more days! Waaaa :-((
  • @mama_underpants i totally agree w u. When i found out i was preggo i was roughly 6 wks+(feb 26). called the dr office set up history appt. When i was able to get in was 8+wks due date was Oct25. Had bloodwork done on mar 15 came back that is was only 7 wks and so they moved my due date to Oct 30. Had to have an u/s done on march 30 showed that bby was only 7wks and 3d new due date is now nov 14. Time keeps going the wrong way for me. But good news is they were able to find hbt of 166 on the bby.
  • I'm measuring 2-3 weeks ahead but they arnt gonan change my due date cuz I just have big babies.....@3girls_0boys I would hate to move back! That's gotta be rough!
  • Yeah it is it feels like my first tri is like 20 wks instead of just a mere 12. Oh well *sighs out loud*. I know the feeling about having big babies as well an 8.2, 8.6, and a 9.6 we shall see what this 1 does.
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