undescribable back pains?

edited April 2011 in Health
I am 12weeks4days pregnant & for atleast the past 2weeks I have been experiencing the oddest back pains... the occur ar the very bottom of my back, where my back & bottom meet just about. I feel this sensation when I turn/roll over, bend, & it makes walking difficult... I feel like I can't move my leg past a certain point when walking. This pain is on & off, it's not a constant hassle, but it is very irritating. Any of you ladies experience his? Did your Dr diagnose it? I won't even see my Dr until May 4th, your input would be appreciated.


  • are you a side sleeper? I am and I get the same type of pain ..... I use a boppy pillow it helps so much... a pillow between ur knees will work also
  • I did around the same time i took lots of baths its not as bad any more I'm 24w now
  • edited April 2011
    I believe you are one of us unlucky mommies with sciatica. It's the compression of the sciatic nerve in the lower back and it hurts like Hell!!! Ive had it for about 3 months now and despite a lot of research, still no relief. I only have to put up with it for 6 more weeks thank god. I feel ur pain. :(
  • I agree sciatica stinks lol had it last time and this time lol
  • edited April 2011
    How far along are you and how far along were you when it started? @sarahbeara03
  • It's your siatic nerve or however you spell it lol this is baby number five for me, and I have dealt with it a lot. It took a while but I figured out how to pop my back just above my tailbone and it relieves the pain and leg discomfort. if u want to try it u can, i promise its not gonna hurt to try it. lay on the bed on your back and cross ur legs at the ankle (right foot on top if right handed or vice versa if left handed) then stretch your legs out with feet still crossed. this can also b done while standing once u get the hang of it :) hope it works for you
  • first time it started in month 3 this time about the same... I drive my husband nuts asking him to rub it every night lol...... when did urs start?
  • @sarahbeara03, I was a big side sleeper before pregnancy, then a few weeks into my pregnancy I could only sleep comfortably on my right side, now whenever this happens I can only lay on my back! The boppy pregnancy pillows are so expensive :( but maybe I'll try using a regular pillow!

    @HUPE23_1, hopefully mine will subside, only time will tell. :/

    @Angels_Mami, mine hasn't hurt ridicuously yet, it's like the oddest sensation of pain I've ever felt. But it's awful when I try to walk, I feel crippled not being able to use my leg to it's ability. :(

    @mizzdivamami, this is my 4th pregnancy. I had sciatica in my last pregnancy but not til the end, before though it would cause my legs to randomly go numb :/ I will deff give that a try!

    ... there is nothing your drs can do for the sciatic nerve / sciatica?
  • Nothing at all unfortunately. The best you can do is get a prenatal massage but those cost big bucks. I broke down trying to explain to my doc how bad it hurt and he recommended tylenol......yay. :(
  • @Angels_Mami, oh gosh I definitly don't have the money to spend for prenatal massages with a baby on the way! Grr. I understand that us preggers can only take tylenol for pain, but that stuff honestly does nothing for me. Guess I gotta just suck it up & deal with it, I'm sure my hubby will rub my back when need be.
  • my doctor ingrained it in my head never sleep on your back... not that its overly dangerous but was told the baby can put presaure and cut off circulation.... try a massage school some do prenatel massage for less then half the price
  • @sarahbeara03, I know that it is not reccommened to sleep on your back further in pregnancy, but I am pretty sure it is fine in the 1st trimester & even a little past, that is what I've read? But I really don't know how much a prenatal massage costs, we don't have much money to spare after all of our bills, food, & kids.
  • sciatic nerve stopping by to welcome you . its very painful . good luck . and hope you feel better .
  • The doc can give you pain meds (although its all over tv now that they r not recommended bc of new studies and birth defects) but the problem is that its just going to cover it up for a little while and once you get bigger and have more weight pressing on your pelvic area the meds aren't gonna work bc u r still going to feel it everytime u put pressure on the leg that the nerve is running to. A chiropracter can help, but its expensive. So i just do it myself lol
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