Dr found......need advice please....

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Went to Dr and had a sono, he found a layer of blood close to my placenta area. I have NO idea what that is, but Dr put me ob bedrest. He said if it continues to grow I can loose baby. Im 20 weeks preg with a .precious princess. He said this next 4weeks were the most criticle and I could loose baby... Have you ladies heard such thing as a layer of blood... Im sooo nervous and sad... This cant happened to me!! Please give me advice


  • I did hear of this! I'm almost positive I read it in What To Expect When You're Expecting last night.
    If you have that book try to find it I don't remember where it was because I was flipping around all through the book. I'm pretty sure it had a name too I just honestly can't remember b/c it kinda doesn't affect me to read about that kind of stuff yet, I'm only 6 weeks
    But I do remember reading its similar to placentia previa, most women are ordered to bed rest and the baby turns out just fine. Just do exactly what the dr says
  • Great... i have that book.. about to flip thru pages to find it... Im not bleeding though...I feel great, it just showed on sono... im heartbroken... thanx ashes
  • I have not been through what you're experiencing, but I wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and your little princess. I've experienced losing a baby before and I pray that you never ever have to go through it. Take it easy, do exactly what your doctor says and I'm sure you'll be ok.
  • Think its like a subcorionic hemorrhage or something of that sort I had one in my last pregnancy dr said usually goes away just take it easy...mine was in first trimester though where placenta wasn't attached to the uterine wall completely so might be something different...
  • Subchorionic Hemmorhage. I had one very early in my pregnancy. But I did bleed. And the E.R doctor told me I would more likely than not lose the pregnancy. But my actual OB said they are completely normal. And that a lot of women experience them. They usually re-absorb themselves. He said it sometimes is a piece of the placenta re-attaching itself. Try not to stress out I am sure you will be okay (:
  • with my first baby i bled for over a week ,it was different quantity and colour, because it happened during the week of Easter I went to te er 3 times they always checked me from inside as well as by u/s and they kept telling me that its some blood that is left under the placenta and that its fine, and they were right and i was never put to bed rest, but i dont know if this is the same
  • Stay positive and keep the faith.
  • edited February 2011

    Thank you ladies!!
    @Tiff... I really appreciate your prayers...
    @ kayla & rose yes thatz the word he gave me!! I only bled one day when I was like 16-17weeks.He has had me on medical leave since the 12th. Thinkn i would return to work on next appt.. well nop, he saw this seperation and continued me on bedrest.. Im sooo ready to get back to work..Honestly, thanks for your time, I feel sooo much better. I had no idea what, why, where etc...
    **So can I at least get up from bed for some time?
    **what % do i have on misscarrying?
  • edited February 2011
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Thanx Kerri, i have been. I only get up to cook for my lil ones and myself and bak to bed.. im takn it really easy... love yall
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