feeling alone :-(

Found out i'm about 5or6 weeks pregnant. I'm financially worried,my boyfriend and I are trying to find a place to live and work stressful. Boyfriend is terrified as am I but I don't think he understands the emotional change 'm dealing with too. He's not talking about it much. Any suggestions because i'm feeling un supported at mo :-(


  • I've felt that way too, alone and stressed but I tell myself that im not alone because I have a new life inside of me. I try to remember that life doesn't give us anything we can't handle too.
  • I think that feeling alone is our minds way of helping us bond with baby, but not having anyone to talk to makes it worse. This forum is a lifesaver for me, my husband just isn't as inerested in my pregnancies as i am. If it gets too bad, find someone, even a stranger to talk to about your worries. Getting it out helps alot. Good luck!
  • Thanks both. Its just good to have someone listen to me and not make me feel like i've done something wrong. I'm going to the doctors today so i'll talk to the nurse and ask her for help. X
  • So I have two kids and this is my third pregnancy and everytime my bf acts the same way doesn't talk bout it shows Bo emotion but each time I get farther along he comes around...I was 16 when I became pregnant with my little girl I was very worried about everything and scared but everything falls into place and in the end u have the best blessing ever!
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