April is Infertiity Awareness Month

Infertility is a heart-wrenching, faith- questioning, relationship-testing, life-altering experience. April is Infertility Awareness Month. Whether a friend, a family member, a colleague or yourself has fought through this difficult fate that MILLIONS of women are fighting day in and day out...post this as your status if you or someone you know has walked to hell and back for the chance to be a MOM!!! This is a special month bc I am currently having fertility issues, we've been ttc for 18 months (as most of you know :) ) & my bday month!


  • Happy birthday && I hope you will soon be blessed with a beautiful baby :)
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  • Good luck, we are in the same boat..... I know all about the infertility issue, idk if I'm not fertile but I am having trouble ttc..
  • Ladies let me give u a little inspiration. A little over 7 yrs ago my husband and decided that we wanted to have a little one, we tried but when u don't have cycles you can't get pregnant. So i went and seen a dr, who looked me over and didn't see anything wrong as to y i wasn't haveing cycles, so she sent me to see a specialist, who did a couple work and starte dme on provera which did jumpstart everything. After a few months and i still hadn't conceived. So they did more tests and conformed that i wasn't ovuleting so they put me on clomid, which still didn't help and they added a progestrogene gel to the mix after 2 months of that and reevaluated me found that i was ovulating but still hadn't gotten pg, so they tested my hubby which we found out that he had a very high mortality rate, basically sterile. The specialist wanted us to go and see an endoreproduction therapist this was in july, we decided not to, i tookmy last rd of meds in august and placed everything in gods hands. Oct rolled around and i was planning a wedding show, and helping w a wedding (my brother and Sil) nov and dec, then we had friends who had been staying w us since may and was getting stressful so we had asked them to move out i had finals for school and wasn't even thinking about getting pregnant. My step niece had a her bby on jan 3. My bro and SIL that just got married found out and told my mom and dad on the 4th, i took a test bci was late and hadn't been for like 8 months and low and behold i was pg. Hadn't really been trying was just letting it happened. Now i am on #4 , and none since #1 have we really had to try for. I am sorry this so long but felt u guys needed some inspiration to help u through this toughs times. 8 found god really helped me though it all.
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