Does anyone else feel like a raging maniac?

edited January 2011 in September 2011
I am having the most insane mood swings. When I'm not crying, I'm just plain irritated. Everything seems to annoy me to no end. I normally have a little bit of a temper, but this is just ridiculous. My fuse has definitely been chopped in half! I don't know what to do. My husband seems to think I must be having a boy because I'm just dripping with testosterone these days, lol! Is anyone else feeling this way? :S


  • Im in my 3rd trimester now, but in the beginning I was agitated and irriated all the time! I felt really bad for my fiancee bcuz I was so mean to him. Everything he did annoyed me. I think my mod started to change in the 2nd trimester. I felt more relaxed and generally happy.
  • omg boo im just like even the temper before and im sooo moody its not even funny. And I cry so much. I am having a boy so maybe that does have something do with it haha but good luck and just don't try and stab someone I tell myself that everyday! :p
  • Yes yes yes I am the same , I have been so moody lately an I hate it coz I'm usually a pretty bubbly happy person . My boyfriend is also copping the brunt of it but he thinks I'm just being a bitch an is not very supportive . Hoping this passes soon ...
  • I am so glad there are others!!! lol I have been psycho lately. Example: my little brother (12) rolled his eyes at me and I screamed so much I had no voice the next day to apologize. I also cry constantly especially when there is a show on that involves a baby or child. I find out what I am having next week. Will let you know... experiment???
  • Soo glad I'm not the only one! Everything annoys me and I'm irritated all the time. I feel bad for my boyfriend..but I just can't help it. I'm still In my first trimester so hopefully it passes soon.
  • Omg I am the same theres days I just want to **ck someone up ugh. I wasnt like this before I dont feel like myself at all. I'm always crying even in the shower I hate it. Everything annoys me I dont even want to be near people. I think I be going crazy!
  • edited January 2011
    well idk about cryin but gettin mad about lil stuff. for sure my gf is like that. I mean it seems like there r days where everythin I do makes her mad. the smallest thing n she will blow up on me. im just like ok. n let it go. till she gets over it
  • Omg! I love it :) Is it bad that I'm enjoying all of our psychotic stories? Well ladies it looks like we're not alone. Let's just try and keep from killing anyone for the remainder of our pregnancies lol!!!
  • Lol def sounds like a boy. My first was a boy and I got extremely pissed at everything. Im having a girl this time and except for venting my stress all at once every month or so I feel normal. Lol
  • edited January 2011
    I am the same way!!! I got in the most horrible fight with my boyfriend last night over nearly nothing. I even left but went back. I have no patience and every little thing annoys me. I'll be 7wks day after tomorrow.. I hope these hormones even out soon.
  • I guess I'm normal! Lol! Mom told me today that being pregnant wasn't an excuse for my behavior! I wish someone would come out with a HAPPY PILL for pregnant women who's hormones are raging! :-S
  • Omg thank goodness this is happening to everyone, I thought I was alone!!! I'm and emotional wreck always crying & getting mad over little things!!! I'm always taking everything out on my bf & he's the type of person that's gets pleasure out of annoying me!! Its gotten so bad now that my bf are considering take a break w. Our relationship. I really hope that the mood swings go away soon :(
  • The thing i hate most about the moods is I'll be fine one moment but the second someone says or looks at me wrong i get super mad. I have a short temper to begin with but this is stupid. Then i cry 5 mins later cuz i feel bad and i hate crying.
  • I used to feel the same way for some reason when I play the Sims 3 game I feel better but find myself waisting to much time its definitely a stress reliever..for a normal stay at home mom...
  • Due 9/30 & riding the crazy train... irritated by just about anything. Anyone else having raging migraines?
  • @yesmanifest luckily I haven't had a migraine for a couple of months. My doctor said I couldn't take my migraine medicine while pregnant. I have an appointment tomorrow so hopefully they have an alternative. I usually suffer from them 1-2 times a month.
  • Yeah I feel bad for my boyfriend sometimes...the smallest things trigger me. Well..they don't seem small now, but I know they will later. Last night I went crazy and cleaned the whoooole house and then he asks me where a certain paper is at that I hadn't seen...omg lol I flipped out..tellin him that if he put things away instead of throwin everything around, I wouldn't have to go behind him like a 5 year old n pick stuff up and then worry about him gettin mad that he can't find it....I felt bad oh well haha
  • Oh yes! I argue with my husband about the most unimportant things and everything is an issue, I don't want to be a crazy pregnant woman but im having a hard time. My first pregnancy I was nothing but sugar and spice.
  • I feel ya pain ladys it drives me crazy X( I feel like im a diffrent person the
  • I got into an argument with my husband over a bagel and I ended up crying. Wtf?
  • ill be lucky my husband sticks with me until I'm due in sept its only been a could of weeks and I would leave me. Evenn my two year old is getting it. Ugh
  • My poor husband, he tries so hard to please me and im just so emo sometimes....i seriously burst out crying my eyes out on his lap because someone ate last creamsicle, and I had no ice cream, chocolate or anything he drove through a snowstorm to get me some ben and jerrys at midnight! What a doll he is
  • I felt like that right when I first found out I was pregnant. I found out after 1month at planned parenthood when I was trying to get back on birth control whoops alittle to late. I just broke down but it is actually the greatest thing that could of happened to me. It keeps me on my toes and made me grow up.
  • edited April 2011
    Only about half the time ;-).....except for this week. I woke up with heartburn last night and in a horrible mood. I almost woke my husband to kick him out of bed because his legs were touching our legs always touch when we sleep bit last night I almost kicked him
  • I'm in my 2nd trimester 17 weeks 4 days n I do it also I get very frustrated.
  • I had a temper before getting pregnant and now its so much worse. Im 16 weeks on tuesday and i've noticed the farther along I get the worse the mood swings get.
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  • Im always pissed off and irritated.
  • I have my days, but I've always had high anxiety so add the hormones on top of THAT and I am constantly on edge. Add to that I have no filter to the things I say so yeah my pregnancy has been pretty interesting so far!
  • I'm so mean that I got into an argument with my little brother over Brownies at my damn house. I told him no bc my mil made them for me from scratch and my mom told him to go ahead and wat them!! WTF?? I will beat that ass!! How sad is that? Over Brownies? Uugghh. He then was being an ass so I put him in a headlock until he tapped out. :) I win!
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