Water like discharge??

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
It happened once last week and then again today. At first I thought I peed myself but when I checked it was like discharge and there was a good amount of it. I am only 13 weeks. Does anyone know what that means? I hope it's not amniotic fluid :/


  • I thought the same thing. Its just your body cleaning out to protect the baby from infection. Mine was like milk and I freaked out lol. But you're fine. (: Just buy some cleansing wipes and panty liners! (:
  • Don't take any risks, you need to call your doctor, I got yelled at at the ER for not calling, I'm not trying to scare you but its better to be safe than sorry, your too early in your pregnancy to be leaking fluid. I'm 23 weeks and was told to go to the ER due to the same thing they thought my amniotic sac ruptured thank God it wasn't that but like I said its better to be safe than sorry. Hope you call your doc.
  • Whew...thank you it really freaked me out! I couldnt believe how much there was...kinda weird lol
  • I go to get my sequential screen tomorrow do upoh think they will be able to tell me when they do the ultrasound then?
  • Oh and if its like the same discharge you get during ovulation dont worry, but if its watery or like urine call your doc.
  • Yea discharge during preg increases but could also mean other things so make sure to keep open communication w ur Dr. It could also b a sign of infection or bacteria virus.
  • I had the very same thing happen to me with my last baby. I felt like it was coming out like water but it wasn't water. It was discharge color and my doctor said it was normal. I just wore panty liners and that helped. Every pregnancy is different. With this pregnancy I havent had discharge like water, at least not yet. These care just joys of pregnancy.
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