
edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Hi I just got this new app well I just wanna say that I am a mommie well a teen mommie I have a baby boy he is 6month nd I am married and I am aslo a christan I live in ohio ; well hope to get to know other moms here
Well hope to get to knoe new mommy like me
Aim: babyurthebest123
God Bless U


  • I am or was a teen mom. I had my daughter when I was 17 married my husband at 18 and will be expecting my second child right before my husbands deploys
  • U r expecring right now 18 when r u due
  • Im 14 and I just found out I'm pregnant
  • To the 14 year old mom I hope everything goes well I have a friend who had her son at that age and they are doing great he is ten and they are really close. She had a great support group.
  • Wow 14 u so young
  • 2young- how is your family taking the news?
  • 2young I hope everything goes well how far along r u?
  • 14 year old.. the only I will say is I in the UK and even being pregnant when I was 18 I wad extemely judged had my son at 19 everyone stated I wouldn't manage but u tell you what this is your decision alone same as comment above o.know many young mums who ge5 by perfectly well. How far are you? X
  • I'm 19. Bf is 20 and away at AIT for the army.. I'm due Feb. 13th and he won't be here for the birth, but a couple months after.. sad I have to do it without him for the first couple months.. our relationship has been rocky, but we're still together and want to stay together mutually.. I have a lot of support, but also some fam in my life that seem to want to bring me down.. just wanna connect with some moms! I'm getting close and I'm very anxious and nervous.
  • I will be 20 three months after my baby is born. I'm due the end of august
  • I'm 18 and on my second child... I had my first one when I was 17 and ill be 19 when I have this one. I gave my first one up for adoption because I felt I was to young and I was also in foster care. To the 14 year old may god bless you with a very strong support group...
  • I have two kids Riley 5 and Landon 3. I was 16 when I got pregnant with my Riley and 18 when I got pregnant with Landon now I'm 22 and pregnant again and I'm very happy....everything has fallin into place and has gone very well my kids are healthy smart and amazing..everyone judged me said I was to young and throwing away my life but all my kids do is make every day of my life a million times better
    ....good luck to all of u and congratulations! :)
  • I'm 21 & pregnant, I found out when I was 20. I missed my 21st birthday & I wouldn't trade this for the world. Being pregnant is a blessing, shouldn't be frowned upon. I wish all of you good luck. We may be young, but we have a chance to have such a strong bond with our kids & do things that older parents can't. We get a chance to grow up together, which I value more than I could ever explain.
  • My cousin had her first baby at 12
  • I'm 19 and pregnant with my first baby, the dad not involved can't afford a baby, he says anyway my family is military and in virgina and this next summer going back to Ohio.
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  • What part of ohio
  • O I agree with u gabschillin. O and ty
  • Wow 12 young
  • We say it is so young to have a baby, but only 100 years ago women were getting married to strangers and starting families as soon as they had their first period. The only thing that has changed is society's belief that young women shouldn't be mothers. Support is the most important thing in a young womans life, pregnant or not, and most women of any age don't get enough of that. Try hard, believe in yourself and your child, and good luck.
  • Im a teen momma toooo. Im 17 and my boyfriend is 18. He's very supportive tho and isn't going to leave me. Hes actually really excited and talks to the baby more than I do! Haha we.ve been together for 2 years this month. We.re both still going to high school and I have a job. He's searching. Ha im 4 months right now.
  • O koo when r u due
  • 2young.... have you told your parents?
    R u the one with your bestfriends boyfriend baby daddy?
  • Um yeah betty im married my do know
  • An age does not make you a parent. Your maturity and abilities does. I'm 18, taught myself highschool, completed my first semester of college while pregnant and am currently registered in University, taking online courses towards my degree. Expecting my baby well he's suppose to be due end of FEB, but doctors are expecting him to be early. Been with my guy for 3 years and have an amazing relationship. Don't ever let anyone judge you for being young and having a child. Only you know what you are capable of and have to make the right choice for yourself thats my theory. My best advice though is further your education. It is the best thing you can do for yourself and your child. Never have to rely on anyone.
  • Ya true declan ty for the advice
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