Ugh!!! My butt bone is killing me!!!!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
OMG!!! ok guys my butt bone has been killing me for these past couple of weeks and idk what to do!!! I can't sit down right without wanting to cry :( I try to put an ice pack on it but that's not working too much.....i think I need a doughnut that those old people sit on lol


  • I had that same exact problem turns out I had hemorroids due to being preggo..
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  • I have the same problem my ob sent me to a chiropractor and they've helped me alot bc it turned out to be alittle more than just my tailbone. It was pressing on nerves too. I use a doughnut and it is awesome! I feel like an old lady but Idc if it allows me to actually sit down. Haha
  • Yea I don't think I have hemrroids its like my tailbone is super sore like if I fell but like I told my doc and she said its just a bone that gets tender but imma tell her that maybe its something worse cause dang ive been in soooooo much pain!!!
  • Omg I hve the same tail bone...pelvic area n back....all that pain is killing me n im only 16 wks prego....i cnt sit dwn wit out gettin up slowly...
  • @proudmommie2 Yea I'm almost 16wks and this idh is a killer man its like I don't want to ever sit down and when I'm sitting down I dont want to ever get up cause it hurts so much lol
  • @newmomma13 girl being prego isnt no joke I mean I litetally walk around lik my r u due? n do u kno wht ur having?
  • @proudmommie2 im sept sept 28 and no I go to the doc next thurs but idk if they are gonna tell me what I'm havin..when are u due and what are u havin
  • Im due sept 22 n idk wht im hving yet we are hoping for a girl..#fingerscrossed!!!
  • What help me was sitting on a doughnut pillow. Had that n all my pregnancies. Ouch. Plus a gd rear end massage frm my husband also helped.
  • @newmomma13 is it like a throbbing pain?
  • Its not throbbing it feels like I sloped and fell on my tailbone
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