i think i felt my baby move...

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I am almost 11 weeks with #4...I have been feeling some different "movements" in my tummy the past couple of days. It was higher up so I doubt it was my jellybean. But this morning before I got up there was some small fluttery kicks down low. I am still unsure but it makes me happy to believe it was the baby! Sooooo, since i hate Mondays I will just say to make this a good day...I FELT MY BABY MOVE TODAY!!!!


  • Yay! I felt my baby move a few times last week, I'm almost 19wks with my first, I can't wait til I can feel her all the time!
  • @starrxoxo9 it has always been a favorite part of my pregnancies. I didn't feel my other 3 move this early but I am sure that's what this was!!!
  • Aw! Well I've heard that the more babies you've had, the earlier you feel them. And it's true that you "just know" that's what you're feeling. For many weeks I was like was that baby or gas?? Lol but then I felt those flutters and I knew. It made me crack up the first time lol! I've had a sinus infection it was the worst on Thursday, and I was laying on the couch in so much pain, desperately trying to nap, and I was almost in tears when she moved it totally calmed me down and I fell right asleep :)
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  • Thanks ladies...it definitely helped to brighten my Monday!
  • im 16 wks and my baby is pretty active at times.. everyone says its just gas but a mom knows the difference
  • I felt the one now way earlier than my other 2. I am sure you felt your baby. Are you feeling any better today?
  • @veteranswife Yes a little bit...still have a sore throat but am hitting my body with some extra vitamin c in the form of Orange juice. Had a rough night coughing but it seems to be moving on today! How are you?
  • Ihave felt baby moving since about 15weeks and seen movements from the outside, but 2 nights ago, I felt the strongest kick I have ever felt. I think my bundle is getting stronger:)
  • I've been feeling my baby for a couple weeks now. This is my first, so I didn't expect to feel it this soon (I'm 18 weeks today) but I was hoping I would. :) My husband gets jealous when I tell him the baby is kicking because he can't feel them yet lol.
  • @Boho_chic I think it is so amazing. I know other mom's on here complain about when their baby gets the hiccups, but I can't wait...my son had them all the time and I loved it. Always made me laugh!
    @VictoriaB That was the first thing I said to my hubby this morning when I was laying there feeling it. I can't wait until he and our other 3 kiddos can feel it. I know the day will be here soon, I just can't wait to share it with them!
  • When did your husband and kids feel the baby with your earlier pregnancies? I heard one woman say she felt kicks on the outside at 17 weeks, but I haven't felt them on the outside yet. I've got a little bit of chub on my tummy, so I wouldn't be surprised if that would delay feeling kicks on the outside.
  • I am not one hundred percent sure as the last one was 7 years ago...but I think around week 20ish. I think it varies with each woman though. They were still pretty light the first few times and he really had to concentrate on what he was waiting for;-)
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