a question for first time mommies !

after you give birth to your first child are you planning to have more kids or are you calling it quits ?


  • I'm on my first n we've decided that 4's the limit! Or at least until we have one of each! Haha :)
  • Well I want a boy after thus one I'm having a girl I'm hoping wen she turns 5 r more
  • I do want more kids. My grandmother had 12 kids...dont want that many kiddos...but at most three. :)
  • wow 12 kids is alot....i only want one..
  • I want 3 Im hoping for a boy this time then maybe wait a few years and try again for another boy lol then the lil girl..
  • We want 3 and my hubby wants to have one right after the other....not sure if I want them that close lol
  • I want 2 maybe 3. we definatly want a boy and a girl, and if a 3rd happens it happens. But I want my kids somewhat spaced apart. My brother and I are a year apart and that has to be difficult I want 2 or 3 year difference.
  • I want more i only want 2 kids but the Hubbie wants 4 so we compermiced at 3 lil ones well unless the first 3 are all boys then ill try one more time for a girl i just want one girl lol
  • More kids. Hubby and I agree that a child should have siblings. I also have beliefs such as it's wrong to put all your hopes and dreams on the shoulder of just one child. Also I know a woman that had just one child and they died in a car wreck at the age of about 21. So now the woman and her husband are childless.

    These are just my thoughts. I won't judge anyone for only having 1 kid. We all have to make the decisions that are best for us.
  • We decided 3...but this is my first and I am miserably sick so I keep threatening that this it. Only time will tell I guess.
  • I'm only 19 and my bd is 23 and he wants to have another after this one to get it done with ha. I'm waiting atleast a year
  • This is my first & I want atleast one of each(boy&girl) so however many it takes will do. Just not right away after I have this one. Maybe a couple years after ;)
  • We want one more, maybe two more!
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  • lol " fixed " i wonder which one.....
  • im going to wait 5 to 10 yrs. I know thats long but im only 23 still getting my life together so thats long enough
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  • I deff want another but I want 3 but my BC only wants one maybe 2
  • Wow everyone is wanting more, which is awesome, but am i the only one who is done after 1? I'm not enjoying this pregnancy at all with the weight gain, pains, exhaustion and depression. I'm not very happy about being a single Mom (my fiance of 5 yrs ran out and abandoned me the day i found out i was pregnant) and i don't think i ever wanted more than one anyway. Even tho i did always dream of my one daughter, I'm happy to direct my new life with my one and only son and i don't see any more kids in my future, and that's okay with me
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  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe maybe i would feel different if I had a better pregnancy if my bd had been here for me and i had enjoyed this but its really just been sad and stressful and now that I'm almost due I'm even more sad and scared that he's still gone an I'm really going to b alone. The only thing that might change my mind is if by some miracle a MAN (not immature boy) came into my life and if I'm ever able to trust again i will get married and then maybe we will have another. But i won't do it alone again I'm defintley getting mirena after the birth because obviously this one wasnt planned but definitley loved, and i dont want to have to be faced with this situation again. Better safe than sorry lol
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  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe aww thank for the kind words its so nice to get encouragement every once in a while :X I'm usually not sitting on the pity potty like this i try to b positive but I'm so frustrated and dissapointed today i asked my ex for one effing thing in the last 8 months... to go halfs on a $129 crib from burlington. its one of the few things i still need and I've bought EVERYTHING else for baby he hasn't given me one single dollar for anything and between baby gear and supplies and prenatal care I've spent over a grand u think he could buy half of a very affordable crib??! but he's a piece of shit and its brought me very down today. so I'm just going to get it myself and move on lol but this is why im hesitant to do it all over again :-S i really cant wait till my baby is here though i know that it will be a constant source of unconditional love from and for him. that's what i need in my life
  • edited April 2011
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  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe your right in the end i know I've done everything i had to for my baby. but karma will get him back and i am keeping reciepts for everything i buy for baby and all dr appointments because I'm going to take him to court for child support an half of everything he should've helped with. my Dad already got me a lawyer lol but I'm not looking forward to the battle at all.
    i only have bout 5 more weeks when r u due? have u picked a name yet?
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  • Despite the morning sickness and being on bed rest and the iv and stomach pump, I hope to have one more after this little baby. Three scares me... Then they out number me like my brothers and sisters did my parents- there were nine of us and not enough parents to go around!
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe i know i cant believe he's almost here i feel like i need more time to get ready but on the other hand I'm soo ready to pop this kid out and start a new chapter and get my body back lol I'm naming him adrien elijah and i haven't decided yet if he will have my last name or his dads ill probably decide in the hospital after he's born but I'm having my baby shower this Saturday and I'm having all my guests vote into a hat just so i can see what majority thinks (even tho I'm pretty sure all my family n close friends will insist on my last name ESPICIALLY my Dad he want me to pass on his name lmao)
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe and btw i really luv ezra its got a sound to it that i just really like...like i just want to know somebody named ezra so i can say they're name lol Idk if that makes sense but i do like it a lot what ethnicity is your baby?
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