We found out the sex today!

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
What an amazing experience! We would have had to wait until May 4th (with our doctor) but instead we went to an ultrasound service. We are having a little boy! This is our first and we can't be more excited! Can't wait to meet our little boy in person!


  • congrats, same here. this is my first and im having a little boy! i only have 8 weeks left..cant wait!!! congrats
  • Congrats :)
  • Congratulations I find out 18th can't waite!
  • Congratulations! I did the same thing my Dr said the 26th but could not wait so yesterday we called an ultrasound place n found out its a boy!
  • Congratulations :)!!!
  • We couldnt wait! Now that we know we r on cloud nine and ready to decorate our babies room! My hubby was so happy to find out. He had a dream a few nights ago that it was a boy so he felt really bonded!
  • Just wondering about how much did it cost and what services did they provide?
  • Congratssssss!!!! Yey...i knw exactly how u feel...
  • It cost us 80$ we got a 15 min DVD four 3D images and 6 b&w images. My husband was able to watch the us on a big screen. If desired we could have family members there also. I think it was worth every penny. We plan on going back closer to my due date.
  • Ooooh that's a good price. I dont think I can wait till the 5th for mine either. Hopefully its that well priced here in fla.
  • @k_baBix0 im in CA so maybe the prices in FL are similar!

    @JayNCarminesMommy congrats!!! Go team blue!!!
  • Ill pay whatever lol I wanna know already!! Congrats on your little prince btw. Im praying for a girl but im sure ill get the opposite lol
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  • @iibett Thank you im 19 weeks
  • @jayncarminesmommy... I live in so cal...n e recommendations?
  • Congrats btw @mom2be
  • Congrats! Im hoping for a boy! my baby is not cooperating for ultrasounds hope to find out the 21st :)
  • Congrats im going today for my 4d :)
  • Congrats on your baby boy! We're hoping for a boy too.
  • So I'm interested in doing a gender or 3d US somewhere besides my dr office since they don't do them until later. Just curious if u ladies that have done this told your dr.s u did so & if they get mad or not? serious? I just don't want to make my dr feel bad or worry cuz I went somewhere else!
  • Good luck! @jdc @MrsThompson34 @ghettobetty. I am so happy we found out. Now all I can think of is our little boy! I feel blessed!
  • How many weeks are you? I'm only 8weeks today. I feel like its going to be a boy but too early to tell I go for another ultra sound in a week. Congrats btw!
  • Congrats girl. ;)
  • @k_baBix0 i live in florida too and from what ive seen the places are a little pricey (atleast by me). best price i saw was a place in brandon called meet the baby for 100$ you get the regular 2d u/s, a "sneak peak" of the 3d/4d ultrasounds, a few b&w photos and a dvd of all the pictures they took during the session. not sure where you live but google came up with a few places close to me and i just searched their prices for the best one.
  • @mszcastillo I live in southern fla in the broward area n I found a place that has a weekend special of $65 n u get to know gender, 15 minute dvd, 4 color 3d shots and I think 6 b&w. I can't wait to get it. How far along r u?
  • @k_baBix0 dang why cant I find a place like tht around here lol. You'll have fun though I loved doing mine. I have to go back in a week because the posistion of the baby wasnt right to really confirm but all signs point to girl! & I think im 16wks either today or tomorrow.
  • @mszcastillo ooooh I can't wait. Im trying to wait till im atleast around my 18th week but dangggg! Its like christmas, I wanna know what the present is already!! Lol. I want a girl sooooooooo bad but im sure ill end up with a boy! Its always like that!! Still hoping though : -)
  • Im 16 weeks n 4 days, my doctor didn't wanna tell me until my 20th week, but there was a male doctor that was gonna do my ultra sound n i asked him if he could just take a peek...n he did and im having a baby girl, even tho I wanted a boy...., but I already love my lil princess....
  • Im 12 weeks wed and I go have a 3d us on the 21st! Im so hoping for a answer to my big question!!!
  • Where in Cali are you? I want to go get one! Cause I was told today I won't find out until I'm 6 or 7 months and I'm 18 weeks :(
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