a question for first time mommies !



  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe aww that's cute my name is Octavia
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  • Lol no I'm black n indian people love my name my ob called today telling me how much she likes my name. We have a lot of hispanics where I live n they love the fact that I'm black n indian but my name is octavia although I do want to learn spanish
  • After this one I'm gonna wait a bit. A few years and see how I feel. Probably 2 or 3 kids is good for me lol. Anymore I told my husband to find another woman to POP out kids haha.
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  • @babyboyontheway i feel the same the preggo sympthoma reallyyy slowed me down amd i dont like it so this is my first amd only and its a girls wat i wanted so no more trying for me

    @firsttimemommytobe thats a very unique name with a touch of history and tradition
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  • I'm an only child, & spent my entire life wanting more for my child/ren, but felt if God only blessed me with one I'd be happy.

    Ideally I'd like 2 children, 2-3 yrs apart. MAYBE 3, but I also at 8wks in have threatened that this will be the one and only. I am sick, uncomfortable, and unhappy, I cannot imagine a child depending on me right now. That wouldn't be fair to the child or Dad.
  • i would like to have a boy and a girl but were willing to try up to 4 to get one of each but after that im sorry no more this is my first and im 19 so we have plenty of time to try but no more then 4 plz!
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe what an exotic mix thats going to b one beautiful baby. My son fathers is 100% cuban and i an mixed with..ohh let's see, spanish+dutch (moms side) and german+english(dads ) so Idk what that equals when baby comes lolbut mostly he will be half cuban so that's what I'm goin with lol
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  • I'm good! My husband has 3 kids already and I've found that pregnancy for me is pretty unpleasant. If I decide that I need another baby, I'll adopt one.
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe Oh and that's really funny that your Mom thinks u picked a girly name, because ever since i told my Dad the name i picked he has been giving me crap because he thinks adrien is a girls name. He's been trying to convince me to change it to the stupidest names like duke, scott, stan or some other "manly grizzly" name lol but I'm dead set on adrien elijah it took me a good 6 months to find the perfect name and idc what anyone says it feels perfect to me lol
    Disclaimer; Please no offense to anybody with, or who knows somebody with those names... they're not stupid, just not for me! :)
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  • One and done. May adopt one more. But thats it
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe yeah i worried for a minute too about him being made fun of but after askin some opinions I'm reassured lol. Btw what the hell is going on with that multiple personalities discussion? I'm so confused, tried commenting and it turned ugly fast!
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  • um i knew it from the start its all one PErson tryna get a kick out of it brcause of the jersey thing smh LAME o-+
  • I want 2 maybe 3 but i think we'll wait 2 years after this our first one
  • I dont plan on having anymore after this. This pregnancy is sucking the life outa me, i dont think i could do it twice
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  • i mean like how jersey moma and jersey daddy was connected shes tryna do the same thing but she looks like a multiple personality disorder case on pregly smh
  • I want 5 kids but probably wont because we cant afford that many, so me and my bd decided to have 2 more after this one straight away so they can grow up together and be very close in age.
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  • lol think it is. i kno def the wishingforagirl and wishingforagir1 is the same u can tell look at the activity on the pages
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