Baby bump 6 weeks :)



  • I meant don't
  • het im due on the forth of september and im 9w4d today and i have a bump its obvious that im pregnant specially to work colleges so no hideing it anymore. but the only problem is im pretrified of needles if i saw onr id walk the other way and i have to have blood tests x not too happy about x
  • I'm due august 25, 11weeks pregnant and besides my hips getting bigger Im the same size I was. I actually lost 5 pounds.
  • My doc says the big belly that has suddenly bestowed itself upon me is water to protect the wee one ... so to me that's a baby bump, cos it sure wasn't there pre-pregnancy. Killjoys all you who say it isn't lol.
  • Ill be 6 weeks tomorrow! This is my second pregnancy. The first one was a year and a half ago but I had a miscarriage. My boyfriend and I are praying every day that this baby stays with us.
  • edited February 2011
    @lovelyme I am due august 30 :) and I have lost about 5 pounds, too, thanks to the food aversions and throwing up a lot of what I eat :( Can't wait for the relief of the 2nd trimester...only a few more weeks!! :)
  • @katlilly I am due Sept 26th as well did you come up with due date...what was the first day of your last period? Do you know your date of conception...just curious. You say you are 5 weeks and everyone tells me I am 6 why if we have the same due date..I am so confused.
  • Could b retaining water ...I'm losing weight but my belly isn't 10 weeks
  • Im 13 weeks today & not showing but feeling pudgy:(
  • Im 6 weeks and 1 day. (:
    Im due the 28th of Sept.
  • I'm due September 12 and feel huge. My boobs are huge and sore. I think my belly is bloated too.
  • Hey guys I'm 6 weeks and I look huge! Well to me I do this is my first baby :)
  • 10 wks & bloateddd! not enough to call a bump, I wish though!
    I remember my last pregnancy I cldnt wait to show, then once I was at about 7 months I missed the tiny belly! haha. enjoy the tiny pouch while yu can!
  • @kristenmae, besides the headaches and always feeling hungry I don't get any other symptoms. I'm already tired of feeling pregnant but I'm glad I get to experience this blessing :)
  • @cutedame my lmp was Dec 20 I'm 6w4d now. I think I posted on here like a week ago :) hope that helps
  • @cutedame my lmp was Dec 20 I'm 6w4d I think I posted this like a week ago if that helps :)
  • Woops! Lol
  • @katlilly my lmp was Dec 20th too...I woke up today to some blood when I wipe...scared and praying...good luck to you on your journey!
  • @cutedame Thank you and I'm sure you'll be fine! That can be very normal, albeit scary! Sending best wishes! Xoxo
  • My first baby but second pregnancy! Due Sep 28th! I am 6 weeks and 5 days! I think I'm the only pregnant woman on here that has diarrhea 24/7. So I have gained a little and lost a little but my tummy is pooching enough for my family to notice or lets just say the ppl that know!
  • edited February 2011
    At 5 or 6 weeks ur baby is as big as a rice grain. So its not a baby bump. Its cuz ur bloated. Im 8+5 im bloated. Looks like im showing but its belly fat
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