I would say 8 weeks is way to early to feel baby move, baby is way too tiny. At 11 weeks, I would think still to early they say normal range is around 16-18 weeks. But then again your doc may be off on your due date, and if you are smaller framed you might feel it earlier. I'm 12w today with my first and haven't felt anything yet, but everyone is different and most women say you just know!
I have been feeling the same thing, i felt it last night at first and there was a few taps, then a few minutes later some more taps, and then like 30 mins after that there was a couple more. it was weird, it was enough little taps to know it wasnt gas, (and it felt nothing like the gas bubbles i have felt) and then it happened again this morning. I am not tiny, not big either, but it was unmistakable taps kinda feeling. I am almost 12 weeks, and I think my dr is off on my due date....
This is my first too. I felt it last week n it kinda scared me. So I held extra still n felt it again after 15 minutes. It only happens when im being still or laying down about to go to sleep. Is it possible to mess up the due date ?
Ya thats when I felt mine, i was laying down and playing on my phone and this morning as well. It made my heart stop haha. and yes it is possible. I think my dr is wrong. he says i am 11 weeks but that doesnt make any sense that means I was having morning sickness less then a week or so after I concieved... a bit too soon if you ask me lol
Lol I about had a panic attack. But I knw wat I felt couldnt have been gas like everyone makes it seem like. This was like a tapping sort of like my heartbeat or something lol soooooooo weird o__O
Oct 27. but I am guessing more like the 16th ish. I think my dr is off by a week or 2. when are you due.
@Lsbunny when I was 7weeks i thought it was going by so slow, now I am almost 12 (according to dr) and I feel like wow just yesterday seems I was 7 weeks haha
i have my first dr. appt on the 26th. it feels like time is going by SOOOOO slowly. it siucks lol. i just want it to get here and see my baby and its heart beating. im nervous right now because im a tiny person, only 120 lbs and 5ft tall and im anemic, so im afraid something will go wrong with the baby. I have been having cramps lately, but no bleeding, so i guess the no bleeding is good?
Oct 31st ! (according to the dr) I noticed just a minute ago I have my linea nigra line on my stomach:) but I felt the same way too @Lsbunny it seemed like everything was so slowwwwwwww:(
linea nigra usually dont start til 12 or 13 weeks that i have read i know its different for everyone but thats what i have read. @Lsbunny I am anemic as well (not that small) but anemia just makes you more tired you have to take iron pills and dont be worried if you crave red meat alot. I rarely ate red mean and thats all i want.
oh haha, i loved chicken and now i cant eat it. i cant eat steak either anymore. all i want is beef which i never ate til getting pregnant. weird how it changes haha
@Lsbunny when I was 7weeks i thought it was going by so slow, now I am almost 12 (according to dr) and I feel like wow just yesterday seems I was 7 weeks haha
@Lsbunny I am anemic as well (not that small) but anemia just makes you more tired you have to take iron pills and dont be worried if you crave red meat alot. I rarely ate red mean and thats all i want.